Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 50 ( 19 August )

Day 50 (19 August) Bororen - Miriam Vale - Rosedale

kms a day: 38.5

total Kms up to a day: 1,407.17

total Kms to go: 2,908.83

Thank you to everyone for their small coin donation in Bororen camp.

Hot, hot, hot – it is so hot and I am already sweating from this daily scootering exercise. The asphalt is already heated by the sun , its beams are leaning against my back. I pinched a wipe cloth from our kitchen to cover left side of my face. I wished I could start a bit earlier but it does not work for me if I want to do a bit of morning meditation and writing every day.
Not much of strip left for me to scoot on between Bororen and Miriam Vale . The truck are passing by me one by one. It seems like one, long never ending line. They honking at me in a friendly tone. They are waiving at me to say hello. They understand what it feels like to be everyday on the road.
Miriam Vale information centre is our first stop. Kind lady at the info centre placing up my leaflet at the window . She is advising us on the best road to take – direction Bundaberg.
The road is narrow but much quiet. Cars would not interrupt my mind and I can easily dive myself into my road meditation time. The noise comes from my ego now. It will not let me go and fly. It is attached to me like a glue still does not want to say goodbye. It tells me I am someone special it interrupts my harmony. I do not want to fight against I do not want to cause more harm. I will review it from every corner knowing that to get into inner peace might take me a bit more time.
I am on my 25 kilometre and the coming car is stopping. The gentleman is checking on my scooter. "Do you want a sip of water"? He asks. "Yes, I do". I have not much of water left. He hands me a bottle of cold drink. "Good on you" he says when I tell him that I am pushing my scooter to raise money for kids."You keep the bottle" and he pulls off.
I also struggle to put my ego aside when having conversation with Peter after I finished scootering for the day. I would be sitting watching the stars tonight re-thinking what my ego spoke about. Yes, ago is never quite content, it wants to control, it does not want to give up. But my intention on this journey would be not to give my EGO go....

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