Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 21 day off

Day 21 – a day off

Finally a day off. I was asked what the most difficult part of this journey is. The most difficult part I find now is to hop on the scooter every day despite the muscle pain... I had nly a few nights so far when I did not wake up with pain. My body is not used it yet and I do push myself to hop on scooter every day. The body is rejecting this intensive exercise. It wishes to rest it wishes to sit in the camping chair and relax but my mind wants to overcome this "laziness" – go go go you can do it you can achieve it I can hear in repetition. To finish this journey became my personal goal now. I want to do it for myself, I want to show myself that it is possible to get up and scoot everyday despite the aches and pains. I am not the only one who manages to overcome their comfort zone.

I woke up with a great idea I want to share it with Peter as soon as possible hoping he will agree. When I get excited I want to share my excitement immediately. That's why I can never buy any presents prior actual event. I am too excited of sharing the joy of giving, making people happy immediately, now.

It's 5 o'clock in the morning I better wait until Peter gets up. I can prepare a cup of coffee myself. I am sitting under the stars – the sky is clear and I am sipping my cup of coffee quietly. I have a plan and I am happy.
Tomorrow I do my scootering backwards. We go back to Giru. We will give George a surprise. I will print out the pictures we took of all of us and we will bring it for him as a present and invite him for a dinner. I know it will make that man happy. The wave of love and happiness shakes each cell of my body.

Peter gets up with little complain. I am not a master of his "stove" and I burnt the cattle. He is preparing it for a second cup. To unscrew the little coffee pot makes his hands black.
"You will not touch it from now on" he simmers. It is my duty so please leave it alone!! He sounds seriously with his strong statement. I better "behave"

The dawn is announcing a beautiful day. The only bother would be mosquito bites. It gets itchy all the time. I did get a lot last night on the beach I was chasing a little snake. It kept escaping while I was taking a picture of him. He seemed to be a baby snake I was lucky its mother was not around. But the mosquito bites were unavoidable. I still can not get used to spraying myself.

The Alva beach 16 kms from Ayr . A proper holiday place - the palms are everywhere. Every place we stop is nice, with a different atmosphere. Australia is such a beautiful country!!! Living here for 16 years it is time to explore it, to experience it, to enjoy it.
I am feeling relaxed after a swim in swimming pool. Life is good. Time to show some pictures to Peter I took last night at dusk on the shore. I am being prised for two of them. It feels good. Hmm... is my ego still present?? I can think of it more while scootering. Peter sees the photo of a baby snake I took on the beach. Are you crazy, he goes?? Ask me something new, I think with amusement. "Have you realized that even little snake can be poisonous?" No I did not, honestly I swear. I will be more careful next time. I do bump in a lot of snakes on the road. The little one seem to be just harmless to me.
Time to have a swim!! Water is warm, day is beautiful, I am happy and it is time to relax. The schedule for tomorrow is 37 kms.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 20

Day 20 (Giru) - Ayer - Alva beach

weight: 63 kgs

kms a day: 39.31

total kms up to date: 560.4

total kms to go: 3,755.6

7.45 and I am on my scooter again. There is too much I want to think about. I take a chance to be alone, just myself, scooter and my thoughts.

I am missing my morning meditation. I used to have an hour of quite time when I was back in Melbourne. Now when I get up, Peter is awake ready to make a cuppa. And then we talk. I need quiet time and I have to ask for it. We sit quietly but it feels unnatural. So I better hop on scooter.

Time to move on but we had good time in Giru. It was announced the most friendly town of north Queensland in 2006. It is very friendly in 2010 too.

Yesterday we spent a couple of hours with George. He is a bushman. All his possessions include 2 tents, one cute dog and a lot of memories. The camping ground in Giru is his home right now. He dreams to move to Kimberley. " I had all materialistic toys in my life" he says " it never made me happy" and he continue... "I had my ups and downs but that is what the life is about". "We, human want those ups only". And he is telling me more about his life " I had my downs but it does not matter, I am still happy, I just accept what life brings every day".
Oh George, I have so much to learn from your words.

I would be thinking of Georges' words.. The freedom that's what he understands. I want to understand it too. I want to experience it but I want to hear about it.. at least for now.

...I am squeezing the brakes firmly. The snake just centimetres ahead of me. I nearly drove him over. The brake stops the scooter nearly on the spot. It throws my feet on the road forcing me to do a few loud steps then I can fully stop.
With a rocket speed snakes disappears in the bush aside the road. My heart beats fast but I wish I took a picture. It was all so quick. Not too sure who was frightened more me or the snake?

Day 19

Day 19 - Giru - Ayer and around

weight 63

kms a day: 31.91

total kms up to date: 521.09

total kms to go: 3,794.91

Brrrr. I am having my morning cold shower. You always realize the luxury in our daily life in a minute you lose it.But I appreciate to have a shower at all. Maybe in a a few days I will have a hot one again. At least I feel alive.

I feel like a tribe moving from one place to another never knowing what is waiting ahead, what place we stay. I wonder myself if it is possible to enjoy this experience. I certainly lear a lot.

This morning is quiet. The close by sugar factory is on strike. It change this little village into a very quite place. It feels like back at home when I was a child.

Ready on my scooter. The field of sugar canes are reminder of my childhood again. We played as kids in corn fields a lot. The scenery is similar just much sweeter smell.
Browsing through my mind. Many memories are brought from my childhood up. Good and bad. Stuff I suppresed down so deeply. Now it wants come up.It wants to be unlocked, freed and leave. A picture of my father is with me today. His frustration caused so much unnecessary sufferings for us children. All is forgiven but not forgotten yet. It is time to be free of all of it.

Some of my friends could not understand why instead of having relaxing and good holiday I am putting so much energy in this journey. I know how it feels to be abused. Yes I want to help children. I want to save them. Oh God I hope you lead my steps into the right direction that people understand and joint me on this journey.

I would be thinking of Edwina's words. She is a manager for the Save the Children charity in Townsville. She greeted me when I arrived here.They help families in north Queensland so much. When the family works O.K. - parents understand their role in family the charity steps out. The program for women with a light sentence reconnecting with their children in "prison" ensuring that mother-child connection is not broken sounds right to me ears too.

Good on you Edwina. I do admire you for your work!

Day 18

Day 18 Giru - Bowling Green Bay NP

weight: 63

kms a day: 30.78

total kms up to date: 489.18

total kms to go: 3,826.82

I am waking up in dark with a body ache. Good. It means I am still alive.
No more planning on this trip but new routine is alive. Morning Coffee routine and the time guessing.
The noise from the matches shake gets Peter out of the tent.I want to hop on scooter as soon as I finish my cuppa today.

We park our vehicle about 10 meters from the railway. Peter loves the train and he runs to greet the train every time the train passes by. And it is a few of them a day. They say there is a child in all of us and I can clearly see it.

I am ready to push the scooter. Which one do I choose for the day. The green one is the fancier one better seen on the road. The red one is much older but is also lighter. I go for a red one. Most of the scootering would not be done on a main road today. I want to explore it around Giru town today.

My musclse are still sore. It was not only wind to my disadvantage yesterday. On my 17th kilometre the asphalt road changed to gravel due to resurfacing. The asphalt was not laid yet and I was scootering on those little "pebbles" uphill most of time. I felt I was doing 50 kms instead of 30 yestrday. Enough complaining the show must go on...

A lot of people along my journey making joke about my leg becoming one big muscle when I finish down to Melbourne. It is starting to feel that way. I am not losing weight any more but my body re-shapes. The fat has melted but muscles are developing. Peter as a former cyclist is reassuring me not to worry. If you get a big muscle it will disappear eventually. It is promising and relieved - who wants to look like a man::).

I am heading to the boat ramp passing 3 creeks. Checking on the crocodiles. I stop to take a picture. It would be good to see one ( maybe not) for my camera. In my vision I am preparing for a crocodile attack. I would protect myself with a scooter.. I think. I would push the scooter in a crocodile mouth. I am picturing myself as a hero... I am only brave in my fantasy. There was crocodile warning sign at the ramp... I am quickly turning my scooter rushing backwards as fast as I can... what a "brave hero" I am now...
My story makes Peter laugh. He would tell me his life story to overcome my fear... I can only hope..

Day 17

Day 17 Bowling NP - Aligator Creek - Giru

weight: 63

kms a day: 31.5

total kms up to date: 458.4

total kms to go: 3,857.6

more to come

Day 16

Day 16 Townsville-Bowling Green Bay National Park

weight 63

kms a day: 28

total kms up to date: 426.9

total kms to go: 3,889

media: Townsville Bulletin

more to come

Day 15

Day 15 - Mission Beach -Tully - Rollingstone

weight: 63

kms a day: 30.39

total kms up to date: 398.9

total kms to go: 3,917.1

I am waking up after mid-night. What a strange feeling I was not woke by pain. The sky is full of stars. I can clearly see the Southern Cross from my little window. Taking one plug off I can hear the sound of Peters snoring. I am checking on him regularly. I was never very brave as a child and even now I am very reluctant to stay at home alone at night. Maybe that's why I have chosen to live in a flat. You do not have much of a choice in overcrowded Europe but here in Australia?
Peter sleeps in his little tent every night. He reminds me of a little loyal "dog". When I hear him I feel safe. What kind of fear is it I am carrying with me on the journey. Peter calls me a little scary bag. I want to analyse my fear. It has paralysed me for most of my life....I am observing the sky picturing what eternity must look/feel like... what are our problems and fears in comparison to infinity? How many problems are created artificially? We are here and we go..... Anyway it is a lot I need to discover about myself.

I am up after 6 o'clock. I want to catch up on my diary. I am constantly behind. I am getting phone calls if I am still O.K. not much published yet.

Ready to hop on scooter around 10 o'clock. Peter does packing. It is time to move south again.
I have the daily limit done before 3 pm. Nothing has change. First 20 kms are done with enthusiasm but every another one takes for ever. The day off really helped. I do not sore today...Time to dismiss myself from complaining. It does not help anyway, as long as I can manage I will keep going. My grandparents had a little farm, so I am used to hard my thought.

Stopping at the banana farm made me realize what hard work is. 2 men cutting the bunches of banana from the branch with a long knife. I get an ache just thinking of doing it all day.
The only lady working there is directing us to a self-service to make our purchase. 5bananas for just a dollar. I am dropping 4 dollar coins into a little money box choosing 20 beautiful riped bananas. I find it amazing that people still trust each other. These bananas taste fabulous. From now on I will never complain about the banana price.

The permission to film is given to us for our video clip. Both men skilfully managing their knife with the lady weighting and sorting bananas in background. What a discovery. The hand slides through bananas and here it is. How cute... little green frog. It is handed to us. "Maybe it is "elf-struck" prince ... the one you are waiting for" goes Peter. "You might like to kiss it turn it into a handsome prince" is Peter's idea while he hands the frog into my palms. As much as I love fairytales I am not up to this proposal. I better wait for my "prince" a bit longer.
We both laugh at this idea of kissing a frog . I can see Peter is enjoying the holiday and it makes me feeling good.
It is time to find some place to stay. I am hopping in the car. It feels unusual to be off the scooter in the car cabin.

Day 14

Day 14

My day off feels like to be given a big block of gold. I do not need to scoot today - HOORAY. Well, I need to catch up on my kilometres. I am 12 kms behind. It feels like a piece of cake.

I am arranging the schedule. Is it time I can plan again?::)). Am I "pushed" into some routine again ? I do realize how pleasant it is to have a routine. To know what comes and not to be surprised. As day flow one by one I get more to understand why we, human do not take up changes , rather stay in our daily routine even if it does not "serves" us. "Routine is an iron shirt we czech say. I can not agree more.

Peter invites me to boat to the enclosed island. I feel sorry to disappoint this man but I have my duty. I have to post at least some blogs and I set myself up for cathing up on my writing. With daily challenges I always fall behind. And there is already plan for tomorrow. Filming, taking some pictures and visit banana farm which is close by. Bananas are so cheap here. I do not understand how farmers can make some money. You see signs " buy local bananas only" everywhere". I understand now. It seems hard work for a very little money. I feel compassion for farmers. I want to support them. I eat bananas every day. It is healthy and gives me energy and minerals. I have to improve my diet anyway. My first 14 weeks when I was so nervous I could not eat until late afternoon. A proper diet would be on my agenda from now on.I am loosing weight too fast.

My brain get "stubborn" in the afternoon. No more writting. I hop on scooter to explore these beautiful beaches around. I scoot with pleasure. Later on I will be sitting on the shore. I write I want to capture every day. I do not want to forget my experience of every single day.

... I hear the bell... Its Peter on my scooter . He came to let me know its a dinner time...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 11

Day 11 Etty bay - Mourilyan and around

weight 63.5

kms a day: 35.09

total kms up to day: 286.55

total kms to go: 4,029.45

I am getting up before 7 o'clock. My "duty" for the day is to finish off my writting before I hop on my scooter. I still get a bit stressed about it. Actually there are more "things" I get stressed about. It is something I have to think "through". But later on... when I am on the road. There would be enought time to consider... to look at each of my feeling(s). Now I better write. My friend rang me last night to find out if I am still alive. No postings on my blog yet. Yes, I know. "I try to do my best" is my answer!! Actually do I??? Do I do my real best??? Maybe the fear and my stress are bloking me from a free flow?
Everything is so different to what I planned. Would we be able to create some daily routine? I keep asking. Maybe yes, maybe not. You never know in the morning what is there for you for the day.
A quick look at my itinerary - 35.9 kms on my plate for today. What a luxury we have a power. I can switch my computer on thought no reception to use internet here.
I need to wake up. Hopefully a cuppa will help. I shake the matches. The sound wakes Peter up.
He is on his duty now. He is a great mate to travel with - always on duty::)) and he loves cooking too. I am not alowed to touch his coleman stove ayway. You need to have a special licence::)) to use it, he told me once. I sit quietly, waiting and my body sore.

Our camp neighbours from Victoria are packing to leave. The are wishing me a good luck, donating $ 20. Peter is taking a video shot for our video diary but it did not seem to work out. I have to take it easy. He repets to tell me that he does not have a film faculty... filming is just his hobby. His father was an artist ( painter) .Peter has a passion for his Leica and Rollei camera. He was brought up with the camera around his neck. I have a confidence in him...

It starts drizzling so I better take off to manage my daily limit. Before I get myself ready the rain increases its volume. I was scootering in light rain for last two days but today it is time to put on my cortex suite I bought for this journey. I am dressing myself up with a wish I could rest. After all it is Sunday today. I am already behind my schedule by 12 kms.

Push, push, push... I am pushing the scooter up hill in continuing rain. The road is wet and my feet are sliding backwards. Today's 35 kms will cost me double energy. I am somehow managing my first 20 kms. How am I going to scoot another 15 I do not know. I am trying to amuse my mind... I start counting how many pushes I do.... it is 196 pushes per 1 km on a flat terrain and about 237 slightly up hill. It will be, on average, 934 414 pushes ( counting later with my calculator::)) when I complete this journey. Sounds like a lot. The rain stops for a while and then starts again. By the time I finish I am completely wet and sweat. I am done for today and really really tired. Peter is filming my comeback today.... it is still 146 days to go....

Day 10

Day 10 - between Babinda - Etty Bay

weight 63.5

kms a day: 36.89

total kms up to a day: 251.46

total kms to go : 4064.54

It's n6 o'clock and I am up. My planned routine from my office chair in Melbourne to get up , meditate after yoga does not work here. We had to camp on a little strip of the land beside the main noisy road. Sometime we have to rely on people's generosity to let us stay on their private property. It is not easy to always find camp when I finish my scootering and people often let us to stay on their private land.

I find people in Queensland very generous and so far we had only a little incident in parking our car on someone elses property. Most of the time people do not mind and let us o stay overnight. We make sure that we leave the place nice and tidy behind us.

I am getting phone calls that there is no post on my blog. I know that I shoud post some to keep my friend up to date but after I finish with my scootering for a day I am so tired that I just want to rest. This afternoon I promised myself to complete all 10 days and also post it. It will stay a promise as there is no serious planning on this trip. But I like to achieve what I set myself to do. It makes me enormously nervous when I fall behind.

I am passing the little self-served banana store. It is amazing to find out that people still trust each other. A lot of bananas, scale and a little box you throw money in to pay for your banana purchase. I feel so good about it. We still trust each other!!!

But I do not have much change except for one banana. The victorian couple is just parking their car aside the road. I am exchanging my 10 dollar note I am carrying on me everyday for their washing change. Yum, banana up here are so tasty and I did not eat anything since morning yet.
I eat 2 at once.

I am on my 20th kilometres when pasisng the sign Betty bay camp. It would be great to stay there. I have at least 10 more kms to scoot but we can come back. I will introduce this idea to Peter later on when I meet him on my last kilometre.

It does not take me too long to convince him. He is turning the car back and I am scootering behind him. He will wait for me at the camp.

I have not arrived to the camp yet but Peter is driving back to me. Is the camp again fully booked out?? Is my first thought. I get worried again. I just want to rest now.... and if we are off power again how d I manage to catch up with my diary? But Peter is juping out of the car smiling. I like his smile, it is sign that he is happy. "The camp there is one of the most beautiful places i have ever seen " he says. ... and he is right. The place is a tranquil paradise and we immidiately decide to stay one more night. It is late afternoon and I do some catching up with my diary. Now I can reward myself. I have a glass of beer::))

The sky is full of stars and I am quietly dissoved in the tranquil evening. My wish is to manage another day...

Day 9

Day 9 Gordonvale - Babinda

weight 63.5

kms a day: 30.77

total kms up to a day: 214.57

total kms to go: 4101.43

Everything happens for a reason. We had a great time with Milada ad Jan. Peter has a joke for every situation and we could laugh our heads off. But it is time to continue with our "mission". Milada and Jan have 2 children to feed and they are leaving for work early in the morning. I am behind with my "office work". It still takes me 2 hours to reply to all e-mails and to do some writing to catch up on my diary. We are ready to leave after mid day and I am on the road at about 2 o'clock. I feel I am full of strenght. I manage my average kms early evening and now it is time to find a spot to rest ....

Day 5

Day 5 Cairns - Gordonvale

Weight: 64 kgs

kms a day: 19.28

total kms up to a day: 126.28

total kms to go: 4189.72

media: interview for channel 7 and Win TV

The mobile phone rings. It is Renee from channel 7. She wants to get an interview with me.We agree to meet at 11 o'clock at the peer on the Esplanade in Cairns. I want to make it on time. There would not be much time to scoot before but I still want to manage a few kilometres. You never know what surprise every day brings you.

I am at the esplanade on time. The pier is "U" like and I am not too sure at which entrance to wait. I am circulating from one side to another unit I spot TV - channel 7 and Win TV interviewing someone at the cafe on the pier. Someone is waiving at me. It must be Renee. Good I am here I just have to wait until she is free.

I hope that Peter makes it on time and will fim a bit of this interview. He is wondering the shops now and he knows that interview is set up for 11 am. Unfortunately when I finally bump into him it is all over. He was waiting at the other side of the peer. It is not a big drama. Ranee promised to send me a link.

We need to get some supplies before we leave Cairns. Peter is making sure that he has everything for his cooking and a few things from hardware. There is a hardware shop on Mulgrave road. It is walking distance from the parked car. And we pass the Win TV building. It would be worth to knock on the door to ask if they want to interview me. Today I feel like an emu and I wish to put my head into the sand. But I set myself up on the mission already and I should not miss this opportunity. After I ring the bell they are letting me in. The lady at the reception is going to check out if there is an interest in my sory. And it is. I am running quickly to get my scooter. When I come back the cameraman is ready. Before Peter does his shopping I am done. I have to repeat a few times that I was already interviewed and It is time to waive Cairns city goodbye.

Hmmm... It seems like a beautiful town I wish I could stay longer. In a couple of hours I would be wishing otherwise...

Anyway.. I am hoping on my scooter about 10 kms away from Cairns. The weather is in my favour today. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. I will have a smooth run today....
Peter would be waiting for me at my next 15th kms.... when I spot the car I see him resting on the mattress.... when I get closer I realise that he is sleeping in the grass aside the road. The "old" man looks like a cute baby... I do not want to wake him up.

There is a car pulling off the road. The "stranges" are waiving at us.... I wonder what they want...small world....Cathy and Mark... my friends from Portland in Victoria are hopping out of the car. I am so pleased to see them.

Peter is hopping on his legs and I am introducing him to them. He sometimes presents himself as a grumpy "old" man. I have to correct this impression. He has a big and warm heart. You do not meet many people like him. We chat for a little while but Peter is looking at his watch, pushing me to hop on my scooter again... It is getting late. I have more kilometres ahead.

After my 3rd kilometres there is another car pulling off the road. Is it another coinsidence. I am going to bump into some friends again?? It is a stranger giving me my visit card advising me that I need to come back to the base because the "white horse" ( the car) is not behaving well. Apparently it does not start.

I could not be faster coming back. While pushing my scooter strongly ahead my mind is jumping from one possibility to another what could be wrong. Is it a spare key?? Early morning when I played with GPS I tangled my leg into the lace we have a key placed on and I bend it. It was the original key. We have a spare one. THe car was bought with only the key and the spare one was arranged before we went. A spare one apparently does not work properly. It does not start the car. I am in turmoil what to do. The only idea I have is to ring my friends in Cairns. I have not seen them for 13 years. It is a time to visit them??!!

I get Milada on the phone. She sounds very busy but she agrees with no hesitation to come to pick me up. She is an angel. She arrives in 40 minutes. I need to have a dring... I go to have the key checked up early morning. I am getting behind the schedule and I need a drink.... early morning I was disappointed to leave Cairns... here I am... back in Cairns.
We stay up until mid-night. After all it was good to catch up with them. I believe to sort everything out next day...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 8

Day 8 Cairns area

weight: 64

kms a day 27.52

total kms up to a day: 183.8

total kms to go: 4132.2

Iam hopping on the scooter early morning. I have to take it easy. There is nothing else to do just to believe that the car will be repaired today. I will be scootering around Cairns again. It is not important where I do my average. The message about "sparing a dollar a day" is to be delivered to people.

I am stopped by a young couple. They are checking out if I am the person who is scootering down to Melbourne. The young "bloke" is handing out his hand and I firmly grab it. They are wishing me all the best.

There are more kilometres to scoot today. I am circling around the beach. I was scootering here already yesterday. The esplanade is beautiful but it gets a bit boring. I start noticing people. Interesting different characters - guessing who could be local and who is just holidaying...

The gathering crowd gets my attention. It seems there would be some show. Jack, the guy from South Australia is preparing his show. He is going to juggle 3 long knives. He asks 4 volunteers to evenly hold the rope attached to the ladder. Hi climbes up ensuring his balance. Now he is ready to juggle the knives in the air. He travels around Australia with his show, as he tells us. I immediately feel associated to him. At least for another 5 months. The show is over in a few minutes but he still gets 10 bucks from me - just for choosing to be himself. He can not ask for money but can accept it. He is agreeable on his "gilfriend" taking a picture of us.

At 2 PM the great news is delivered to me. Phone rings and Todd from Mitsubishi service is advising me that the car is ready to be picked up. I am turning my "vehicle" into their direction. I have not managed my average but I want to fix the "bill" and get the news to Peter ASAP. He is kindly using our frined's hospitality and is resting in their place. We had a lot of fun here and it is very easy to accept their suggestion to leave in the morning. It is 4.30 pm by now anyway. This decision was easy to make...

Day 7

Day 7 - scootering around Cairns

Weight 64 kgs
kms a day: 30
total kms up to a day: 156.28
total kms to go: 4159.72

Jan is dropping us off a MItsubishi repair on Mulgrave road and the diagnoses is rather optimistic. The part will be delivered next day morning from NSW and the car could be fixed the same day. What a relief. The cost of repair also shrank from originally mentioned $ 2500 to about $ 800.

I am ignoring Peter's negarive comments. "There is no way they can fix it by tomorrow"he says. He calls himself well informed optimist. I have to choose selective deafness this time. I do not want to be influenced by his pessimism. It could be part of my self-discovery to learn to be focused no matter what is happening around & stop listening to anyone's discouragement.

My optimism is arising again and now I have to think where to achieve 30 or s kms a day. I cannot get behind. If I am scootering around Cairns and in the city I have a chance to place my leaflets in information centres. After all I am a messenger on a mission. I need to reach out to people.

I am scootering throughtout the city from one info centre to another... to be on news on channel 7 last night helps a lot. The leaflet is accepted and people are wishing a good luck. Some of them have read about this journey in the paper. I gave an interview for the Cairns Sun but when it was published we were in the outback. I did not have a chance to get this edition.

Cruising around Cairns adds to my daily limit at about 3 PM. Time to go back to our rescurer's house. I am coming back with good news... the car will be fixed tomorrow... we might be leaving the next day...

Day 6

Weight: 64

Kms a day: nil

Total kms up to a day: 126.28

Total kms to go: 4189.72

Jan ( Milada's husband) is taking me to the Mercedes showroom. I have both keys and I am asking them to check the code. The locksmith in Cairns managed to swap the chip into a new key a day before. I am advised that they cannot do anything if the car is not present. Hearing this I think I am going to faint. How are we going to get the car here?

Jan is driving me back to Gordonvale. I am arranging for RACQ assistance. RACQ arrives within 45 minutes but there is nothing to be done. The car has to be towed to Cairns. RACQ would arrange for it.

The tow service is dropping us and the car in Cairns at about 3'oclock. The car is left with Todd from Mitsubishi service. We are asked to come back in 2 hours to get the verdict.

We are back earlier, impatiently waiting to find out where is the problem.

They do not know yeat but it seems that the problem is a motor starter. We are given a few options the most optimistic one is that we would be waiting for 2 days the less optimistic is that we would have to wait for 11 days. I am explaining my mission and my schedule and am assured that they do their best.

Todd is suggesting that I have a couple of drings and in the morning he would let me know the final verdict. His foreman would be staying back tonight to diagnose the problem.

We are stunned. Packing a few things while discussing where to stay. The phone rings - it is Milada, she wants to check out how we are going. We quickly fill her in and she is suggesting she will pick us up. We can stay in their house until the car is repaired. These good people are our angels....

My emotional state: I am drained. It was the last thing I expected - to have a problem with the car. ... but you never know what every day brings. I have to accept that things simply happen and we need to sort thm out as it comes...

I am learning to live now.. not to go back and not to think in the future... there is simply no time for that....

Day 4

Weight: 64

kms a day: nil

total kms up to a day: 107

total kms to go: 4291.25

A day of big clean up and finding spots for every item and all our equipment. The car looks like a big storage. We are just jumping over "stuff" staying for most of the day outdoor. It is not in my schedule but after Maria left we need to make some order in the car. It drives me crazy to spend hours and "hours" to find a single thing.

I feel lighter and lighter as we go on, we are cleaning up and sorting and I hope to shake the stress off. I still do not understand why it is stuck with me.

Everything looks promising in the evening. We have done a good job. Everything has it's own place now. I hope we keep it this way. Now I start to understand that even thought this car is suppose to accomodate 6 people it has to bee look at as a storage for the stuff we need in our 5 month journey. I am befriended the idea that we will do most of our living outdoor. Hopefully it will not get rain much::))...After all it will be an experience and it can't be a bad one......

Day 3

Day 3 - Port Douglas - Ellis beach

Weight: 65

Kms a day: 24.75

Total kms up to a day: 107

Total kms to go: 4291.25

Physical state: I am picking up and getting into good form. The only bother is my mosquitoes bites and sun burns. I have to make sure that I apply the repellent and the sun screen on the exposed parts of my body.

Emotional state: I wonder when I shake off the stress. It still feels like a jelly stuck on my body.

It was an easy day today. It is the last day of Maria's holiday, she is flying back to melbourne at mid-day. We have to drop her off at the airport before 12 o'clock. I do all my scootering before we drive to Cairns. I am leaving Maria and Peter behind in Port Douglas and am heading south. They will pick me up on the way when they are read and packed.

I hope that it was a good holiday for Maria and that she recovers. She is dazzling now. No more sadness in her eyes. I hope that from now on she will pick up on life again.

I am picked up after my 24.75 kms. It seems that it is it for today. After we farewell Maria we need to do our shopping. I want to buy a small camera so that I can capture all the "road findings". The semi-professional Olympus I bought for this journey is not very practical on the road.

We are advised that the flight is to be closed shortly. Her name keeps being announced while we running to the gate. The last quik hug and she is gone. I will miss her... I think.

It is time to do some shopping and find some place to stay. The place we found is on Ellis beach - and it is again a beautiful one... the wind blows strongly... people are enjoying their holiday and we are starting to clean the "white horse".

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 2

Between Maryfarms- Port Douglas

Weight: 66.5 kgs

Kms a day: 52.93

Kms Total: 82.25

Kms to go: 4233 .75

Media: The Mossman and Port Douglas Gazette
Cairns Post

Physical state: Exhausted in the morning but I picked up after 3 cups of coffee and managed to scoot for the most of the day.

Emotional state: My brain is like deleted computer. It probably needs to be reporgammed.

I wake up and my whole body is in pain. I desperately need coffee. Maria is a good girl. The coffee machine is always ready for a morning one. I put it on the stove. I can hardly any see through my puffy eyes.....which is something I did not have for a long long time. I sit in my camping chair dreaming. How nice it would be back in the office...hmm... we human being are strange creatures... always dreaming about what we do not have.... when I was in the office I could not wait to be on the road... how do I manage another 30 kms with this ache???

2 more cups of coffee...and...what a strange feeling....what's going on... am I getting back to my good physical condition??? It seems so.

Peter and Maria are slowly packing our stuff into the car and I am already on the scooter. The last thank you to the waiter an off I go... I am on the road.

You find a lot of interesting "stuff" on the road. I pass by a lot of empty cans, ropes, gloves etc.. I am not too sure about the porno magazine but the rope can certainly find a good use on our journey.I am winding it around the handle bar. I do surprise Maria and Peter with my findings and they have a good laugh.

I continue scootering. It is a beautiful day... the birds are singing songs in various musical genders..... are these songs about a victory or a failure?? Why am I even thinking this?

I am quietly swimming through the wind. I cannot believe it... I am passing the sign announcing Port Douglas city ahead. The speedometer tells me that I managed 52.3 kms on this day.

The article about this journey was published in Port Douglas and Mossman Gazette today. I still want to place some more leaflets in information centres. People here must be reading the paper regularly. Everyone is accepting it with no hesitation. They have read about my mission already... they are wishing me good luck.... I certainly will need that...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

day 13

Day 13 Tully - Mission Beach

weight 63 kgs

kms a day: 35

total kms up to a day: 354.81

total kms to do: 3961.19

My whole body is in fire. It wakes me up in the middle of the night. I feel every muscle of my body. The sky is full of stars. It might be a beautiful day tomorrow. I am reaching out for the mobile phone to check the time. 1 am. I am turning myself from one side to another to find some comfort. It does not help much. The pain I expected yesterday morning is here now. Maybe I cursed myself?? I cannot fall asleep hopefully some pain killer will help. I had a phone call yesterday from one of my supporter I met in Port Douglas. He sees me as a champion. Hmmmmm... I wish I could see me the same way.

I am getting myself out of bed before 7. Preparing a cup of coffee seems to go for ever. I am quietly staring at the sea. I do not want to talk. Peter tolerantly look at me with mercy. He is not very impressed with my project. He keeps telling me that I should have gone for a holiday not of wearing and tearing my body on scooter. He can't be "more encouraging"now ... but then he is a first man who treats me like a princess. He looks after me like a good fathers...

Kms on my today's plate = 35.7 . Time - a few minutes past 9 am. I better go to prepare myself for this calling.

I am circling through Tully town. This town is unusual, very different I am attempting to place my leaflets around. They are accepting it in visitor centres - "all the best on your journey" the lady in the newsagency has to ask her boss if she can display it up. I am passing a take away place - it is always worth asking - the lady says no before I have a chance to open my mouth to explain anything. It is O.K. - I am not going to force anyone. This trip should be about a smooth flow...

Scootering from the Tully town to the Mission beach takes me forever. It is mostly uphill. I am counting every kilometre I do... dreaming of my day off tomorrow. I only have to make up the 12 kms ( behind schedule).

Push pus push... am I going to enjoy this journey too?? I have to easy on my sense for responsibility. I am realizing how much physical energy I am putting into it. How easy it was telling people about scootering 4300 kms from my office chair. I felt like a champion then. It makes me laughing. The ego is a strange aspect of a human being. Today I just want to finish it with a hope that people will notice me and donate money for this cause. After all it is about children... not me...I am only an agent delivering the message.

I am stopping at the tree with gumboots hanging of the branches all around the tree. Good picture to show queenslander's humour, there would be more interesting pictures to take before I reach Mission beach. I am glad I bought a little camera in Cairns.

I am creating titles for these photos in my mind, easing the concentration on each km I push through. 34 kms on the speedometer. Hooray I am allowed to rest... it feels so good... there is only 143 days to go..

Sipping a glass of wine I am staring into the universe contemplating about human beings, why do we set ourselves up to overcome our limites... am I going to succeed???

Day 12

Day 12 Mourilyan - Tully

weight: 63 kgs

kms a day: 33.26

total kms up to a day: 319.81

total kms to go : 3996,19

Thank you note: Thanks to Chris and Rob, the "guyes" who were camping next to us, for sharing with us some useful ( usef to us) technical advice

I woke up and it is still dark. What a surrise. After yesterday's scootering 35.09 kms in rain I expected my whole body to sore. But it does not at all. It is hard to believe. I only get the itchiness from the mosquitoes bites. It seems that whether you do apply the spray or not you still get bitten. I have to hold myself off not to scratch it more.... It must be before 6 o'clock. The next door neighbours are sleeping under an open tent. I better stay inside, they are too close and I do not want to wake them up.

There is "job" to be done in the car anyway. You never know where you will stay the next day and the short distance we travel does not charge the electronic equipment fully. In my mind I am ticking off what we have already fully charged and what I need to put on charger. Video camera, mobile phones and computer were done last night. The video camera and second camera can get the "juice" now. All chargers are kept in one suite. Peter insists on being organized. I cannot help but agree it makes my job much easier.

Everyone is up by 7 o'clock and I am having my so desired cup of coffee. I still have to import all video material into my computer before I hop on the scooter. ... but Chris is coming to have a bit of chat. He came last night to find out more about our"mission". He seems to be very interested and I also feel a bit of admiration for my effort. I just hope I do not disappoint people who believe in me. I had my crisis yesterday. I keep going... I have to I think...Is my drive because of fearing the embarrassment or the sense to help others??? Maybe both... I have 145 days ahead to find out...

I feel fit. not sore at all. I am ready to fulfill my daily tasks - 31 kms.

Chris came over to have a look at my scooter, I think he cannot get it that an adult is scootering such a long distance. He reads us some statistic from the paper about denque fever... I did not pay much of attention to mosquitoes I better start using the insect spray from now on...

Chris is experienced traveller. It always feels good to share the experience from travelling. He also works in a prison with the shady side of human beings. I postponed my study of psychology because of this project but from next year on I should be back to studies. Our discussion really interests me. Psychology is the science I am really passion about. In a near future I might be also dealing with a grey side of human being.

Still 12 kms behind my schedule. My "plan" is to catch up today.

I removed planning from our daily routine but I am learning to be particular about placing things. It can take you hours to find something. Peter has arranged to find a home for every singel thing. He is very strict and particular and he insists that I put things were they belong. That is something I need to learn. It is a bad habit of mine to leave things as I use them behind...
Everything was found and is in order except for the manual of the speedometer for my second scooter. I have a " fancy" scooter imported from the Czech republic, Mibo company, but I am still scootering on my old one. I want to set the speedometer up properly but I placed the manual in a really, really safely place.. and since... I have spent hours looking for. It remains not found property... I am giving up on it... It will turn up one day...

Push push push.. I am on the road again. I feel somehow lighter and it is not because I lost 4 kilograms already. The stress, fears, uncertainty I felt at the beginning are diminishing with every kilometre I am on the road. I am still 12 kms behind my schedule. I hope to cath up. In the worst scenario I will scoot on my day off.

I am meeteng Peter on my 16 kms and oppss.... there is another a loooooooooooooooooooong snake on the road. I see dead one's every day. This is the first one alive..

I am meeting Peter in Mourilyan pub next. He wants to get some beer for our long evenings. It gets dark before 7 PM. The owner of the local pub is an Italian lady. She used to live in Tassie and we start chatting about the beauty of living in Tasmania. She is amazed with my journey and we get a bottle of a whine as a present. It will come in handy when I have a day off..

Tonight we found another beautiful spot - Mission beach... and we get a bit of rain again tonight

Day 1

Day 1 - between Laura - Maryfarms

Weight: 67 kgs

Km a day: 29.32

Total kms up to a day: 29.32

Total kms to go: 4286.68

We get up early. The plan is to take off at 9 o'clock. I had to lagh at my planning habit. There is no more planning on the road when you rely on other people and what the day brings up. There is no more daily routine and I better accept it. I do not have any other choice anyway::)).

We are only slightly off the schedule arriving to the community centre before 10 o'clock. Thomas, the chairman of community centre, is not there. He promised to have a few words for our camera. A man at the counter is advising me to visit Tommy George at home. Tommy - TG as he is known by locals is the chief of the Quinkan community centre. I am going to find him at his home. There are no street signs and I am heading to the wrong road and directed to the street across the road.

I am spotting the flag above the house quickly. Tomm George is surrounded by his family - grand son Shane and great grand son Kikky. He agress to have a few words for the camera and all of them, four generations, including son Thomas who is the chairperson of the community centre, are heading with me to the centre.

The camera is already set up for the interview and I am glad that it did not take us too long. Time is running out and I am hopping on the scooter. I am pushing myself off for my very first kilometre.
11 o'clock ad the sun is shining at full strenth. I wish for a few clouds. The sky is clear blue. How natural human being thinking - we always wish for what we do not have...

It gets well until I get on the dirt road. The scooter wheels dive into the sand and I have to push really hard to move ahead. I am thinking of my ex-husband, now my best friend, Petr. This "original" idea to push scooter from north down to Melbourne came from him. He pushed his scooter 13 years ago from Wilson Promontory to Cape York. The time to admire him arrived. When I am asked "why you choose the scooter", I think of times when I came to Australia with only one luggage and 100 dollars in my pocket. The scooter was only the vehicle I had available to move around.

I am again realizing that you can't understand another person until you have/get your own identical experience.

Now I know how much effort he must have put into managing to scoot between Laura to Cape York. That time I just simply accepted the fact that Peter followed his dream. I finally understand how hard it was.

It is very hot, the sun leans against me in full strenght. I am wearing the long sleeve shirt... I do not want to get burnt. My bod is swimming in my own sweat and the fat around my waist is melting down like ice cream. I managed to put on about 5 kilos to have some extra weight to lose. It will be gone very soon.

Peter and Maria are stopping regularly to give me sips of water. Peter is very particular about amount of water I drink. He keeps advising me on amount of water I should drink. He got this knowledge from his friend who is a fire fighter volunteer. I believe he is correct.. but I am so thirsty and the sun is still full on..

After my first 10 kms I am getting a headache and a toothache. I had an abscess in teeth treated just before the journey. The most coolest dentist I have every met, he makes you laugh even on a dental chair, assured me that if I need any dental help I can rely on his friends who live along the coast. I hope it will not be the case. thoughts go back to the road... I was fixing my sunglasses and nearly fell off the scooter. You need to have hawk eyes scanning every little hole on the road to avoid an accident... oh God... I wish I was back in my daily routine.... I wish I did not leave my comfort zone... but here I am...on the road...

...The sun is still fully on and the wind is blowing against me... even downhill scooting needs strong pushes... I am checking the speedometer... still 17 kms left..

Finally we arrive at Marysfarm. I am so tired that I even do not want to speak. Peter fills up the diesel at the petrol station. There is a frog in the toilet and I want to take a picture of it. Maria was nearly running away from there when she found out on the way to Laura. It made me laugh and I want to take a picture. I do and we decide to camp as soon aspossible. I need to get into the bed.

The waiter in the pub across the road has no problem with parking "the white horse" in the enclosed area next to the pub.

I am so glad, my whole body sore and I want to be in the "bed" as soon as possible. Peter is checking if I am O.K. My yes is confirmed with eager nodding. He does not need to know how tired I am.

But he does not buy my lie at all and prepares the dinner for me as soon as possible. I smell badly ad I wish for a shower... there are many generous people around us. The waiter from the pub walks to one of the room which has not been cleaned yet allowing us to take shower now and in the morning too. It feels like winning a lottery....

Before I start # 2 29-30 June

The decision was made to drive up to Laura earlier. I want to spend a couple of days in the outback before I kick off. Maria and Peter are agreeable and we are ready to take off early morning. We have to stop at the hardware in Mossman to buy a few necessities. Norm, the guy full of humour who is helping us to get what we need cannot get why "good looking" women is doing such a crazy things..he seems to be a Melbournian by the origin and aparently has done a lot of south/north travelling.... He is turning his head sideways in disbelief but he is wishing me all the best - "I can see your determination, you are going to do it" are his last words... I wish he is right.

It is about 253 kms between port Douglas and Laura. We were advised by locals who told us that two wheel drive vehicle should have no problem driving up there. They were right but we still experience strips of gravel road "White horse" (our car) is not impressed but Peter is a good driver, he is driving very gently and I think "White horse" does not mind the road at all.

We had a few stops along the way and it is late afternoon by now. Peter gets nervous it is getting dark. Laura is still not on the horizont. The bevy of black parrots is disturbed by the incoming car. They are confusingly flying all over the road. Peter quickly steps on the breaks but the accident is unavoidable. On of them hits car window. We all get upset. It is the last thing we wish on our journey - to hurt anything. I have a bit of cry but there was nothing we could do...

We arrive to Laura at dusk. I am immediately absorbed by its tranquility. The place is so different to touristic Port Douglas. You feel the ancient spirit there.

The camping ground next to the pub is full. There is a group of people from Brisbane driving up to Cape York on buggies to raise money for flying doctors. Good on them. One of the team members - a lady in her forties is approaching us with a donation box. We drop in all coins and small dollar notes we have available. Maria is eagerly telling her that also we are a "team on the mission" and to our surprise we get some donation in our can too. It works all right - you give and you get.

After a bit of negotiation we get a spot in the camp ground. It suits Peter fine - he can have his so much desired beer. He certainly deserves it. He was driving the whole day. The sky is so clear and I find a quite spot... I am shutting off and staring to the stars.

The stress of the unknown I am still carrying with me is melting down.......

Before I start #1 27-28 June

We do a bit of travelling. Maria is sill with us. I am very glad that Peter had good company while driving up north. Peter managed to arrive in Cairns in 3.5 days doing over a thousand kms a day. His friend Maria agreed to take a holiday and drive with him all the way up to keep him company. She is a good soul and I hope it will help her to emotionally recover from the recent loss. They are both full of humour, throwing jokes at each other. They would have made me laugh but I am still so tired that I wish I was left alone to rest and be with my inner thoughts. Weather is very pleasant and I wonder why I am still under such tension... is it the deep sense of responsibility of whether I can manage what I have set myself up for??? I do not know but I certainly can not shake it off.....

Arriving to Cairns June 26

I waved good bye to my friend in Melbourn on 26th of June to fly up to Cairns to start my journey in North Queensland on the 1st of July. My friends Peter and Maria took 2 weeks off early to drive the support vehicle up to Cairns. I expect to meet them at the airport and to my surprise there was no sign of them on my arrival. I walked out from the plane at 7.30 PM extremely tired. My brain was in full "speed" to plan arrange and organize everything to capture everything... now I feel exhausted... how am i going to manage scootering I do not know...

I am resting at the airport, in hindsight I am just surprised how much of my and my friends time was spent on this project. I am surfing through the "files" in my head. You do not know until you really start doing it... would I still go ahead if I knew??

Finally they arrived... I am relieved as my scooter package weights nearly 20 kgs and my "office" luggage about 14. They are helping me to the car offering me a drink. I really need that!!! ... and I just want to sleep.

Once we load everything into the car we take off.. the car I bought for this journey was design to carry 6 people. We have so much stuff that it can hardly accommodate 1. It looks like a storage place but we have to manage somehow until Maria flies back to Melbourne.

We need to drive another 67 kms to find a reasonable spot to stay overnight... I am getting myself of into "bed" immediately as I am already half a sleep... oopss... I have a camping table under my legs. Well... I already had to accept the fact that there is not much space in the car so I am pushing the spare blanket under my legs and to cover the camping table... and I am in a dream world from now on...

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I want to live in the world where children are valued and appreciated! Don't you?

On the 1st of July I embarked on the journey of self-discovery - to challenge myself physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially...

On this journey I also want to find out who I really am and most importantly, I want to help... I want to help those who are the most vulnerable... children...

Please let me quote here Peter Singer the author of "The Life you Can Save"
"I guess basically one wants to feel that one's life has amounted to more than just consuming products and generating garbage.
I think that one likes to look back and say that one's done the best one can to make this a better place for others. You can look at it from this point of view:
What greater motivation can there be than doing whatever one possibly can to reduce pain and suffering?"

I absolutely agree with Peter and that's why for the next 5 month, I will be on the road scootering down to Melbourne from Queensland with one belief.... belief in people's generosity...
...a belief that all together we can make this world a better place... and reduce suffering...

Weight: 67 kgs

Total expected weight loss: 10-15 kgs

Kms completed: 155 kms

Physical state: I am not athlete but I am fit ( I would scooter approx 7 kms after work for about a year and would also work out at the Re-Creation Club in Sandringham for the last 3 years).

Emotional state: There were hundreds and hundreds hours spent on this project so far. I was so confident while I was preparing it... now ....when it is already happening I feel " a heavy stone" in my stomach... It is a strange feeling to step out of my comfortable zone to "mark a new map" for myself... and yes... I am nervous what day to day brings into my life.......

Financial challenge: 83K spent out of pocket so far

Donation: Raised $ 4183.25 so far

Donation page site:

The company raising funds
for this cause: Troy Meloxicam company

Thank you note: Thank to all of you who were "donating" your time to make this project possible/happening. In particular I would like to thank to my sister Martina who encouraged me emotionally and also financially and also my colleaque/friend Shayela H for listening to my ideas about 1.5 years while I was shaping/brainstorming the project, planning it and organizing and also for editing my writing.

Kelly Johns ( for helping me to prepare all written material)

Joel Ch. ( who arranged for 5 month time off)

Milan P ( who serviced my scooter, support vehicle and arranged many other technical things)

Vivian from Vivianne's Cafe in Sandringham ( who listened to all of my ideas and encouraged me when I was down for the past 3 months).

My friend Rosemary ( for contributing her ideas and patiently listening to my ideas)

Richard Brown from Sunset films production ( who is preparing the short clips on my web-site).

Jirka S ( for arranging all IT and Audio equipment)

Mirka G and Deb L ( for boosting my confidence)

Ales N ( for the logo design)

David N ( for maitaining my web-site)

Richard N ( for photographs)

...and to all my friends, colleagues and people who were helping and encouraging me in any way and also...

All of you who have already contributed to this cause and all of you who will contribute!!!