Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 60 ( 29 August )

Day 60 (29 August) Pomona – Cooroy – Tewantin – Noosa Heads

kms a day: 26.6

total Kms up to a day: 1,737.31

total Kms to go: 2,578.69

Day 59 ( 28 August )

Day 59 (28 August) Gympie – Cooran - Pomona

kms a day: 27.6

total Kms up to a day: 1,710.71

total Kms to go: 2,605.29

Day 58 ( 27 August )

Day 58 (27 August) Tiaro - Gympie

kms a day: 35.4

total Kms up to a day: 1,683.11

total Kms to go: 2,632.89

Day 57 ( 26 August )

Day 57 (26 August) Torbanlea – Maryborough - Tiaro

kms a day: 47.1

total Kms up to a day: 1647.71

total Kms to go: 2,668.29

media: http://www.frasercoastchronicle.com.au/story/2010/08/26/scooter-port-douglas-fraser-journey-charity/

Day 56 ( 25 August )

Day 56 (25 August) Childers – Howard - Torbanlea

kms a day: 55.7

total Kms up to a day: 1600.61

total Kms to go: 2,715.39

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 55 ( 24 August )

Day 55 (24 August) from nowhere to Childers

kms a day: 26.34

total Kms up to a day: 1544.91

total Kms to go: 2,7771.09

media: http://www.news-mail.com.au/story/2010/08/24/vratka-pokorna-sets-will-travel-across-australia-t/


Day 54 ( 23 August )

Day 54 (23 August) Burnett Heads – Bundaberg – towards Childers

kms a day: 39.50

total Kms up to a day: 1,518.57

total Kms to go: 2,797.43

media: Win TV news

Day 53 ( 22 August )

Day 53 (22 August) Burnett Heads-Bargara-Innes Park-Mon Repos-Barnett Heads

kms a day: 38.93

total Kms up to a day: 1,479.07

total Kms to go: 2,836.93

Sunday morning and I wish I had one more day off. I have to listen, I have to learn about my body and I have to act appropriately as we scoot along.

I speak to my friend over the phone and she makes me happy. The support, the encouragement from all my friends – that's what keeps me going.

I scoot along attractive beaches in Bargara and Innes park. Not much sand there just heaps of different sized stones. This part of worlds seems to be busy with many tourists. So different to this little rather quiet village we stay in - Burnett Heads.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 53 ( 22 August )

Day 53 (22 August) Burnett Heads-Bargara-Innes Park-Mon Repos-Barnett Heads

kms a day: 38.93

total Kms up to a day: 1,479.07

total Kms to go: 2,836.93

Sunday morning and I wish I had one more day off. I have to listen, I have to learn about my body and I have to act appropriately as we scoot along.

I speak to my friend over the phone and she makes me happy. The support, the encouragement from all my friends – that's what keeps me going.

I scoot along attractive beaches in Bangara and Innes park. Not much sand there just a heaps of different sized stones. This part of worlds seems to be busy with many tourists. So different to this little rather quiet village we stay in - Burnett Heads.

Day 52 ( 21 August )

Day 52 (21 August) Burnett Heads

I would wake up feeling much, much better. I had non- interrupted sleep.

My friend gets in touch with me – apparently Melbourne winter is very could and apparently the Hero donation page is frozen - not working. I do not understand why. I must ask my sister to investigate why it expired. Now I am glad that the article would not be published until next week. The media always advertise the web-site.

Peter and I hop on our scooters – we would scoot to the close-by school to vote this morning. We learnt about elections by an accident. We do not watch TV we do not read the paper on this mission. Well, our voice would be missed this time. We can not vote here in this district.

I want to continue scootering but my body says big NO,NO,NO. Not today. Everything goes against – the wether forecast – very hot, the magpies attack – 2 and escaping another magpie I nearly stepped on the snake – then I realized it was a harmless one – resting in peace by now. I am taking a day off.

I am chatting to my friend. I am telling her about Hero donation page. "You must make it working, you must not embarrass yourself"! she goes. Embarrass?? What this word represents?? I do sometime compromise my life on this journey – what embarrassment means then??

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 51 ( 20 August )

Day 51 (20 August) Rosedale – Flagstone Creek

kms a day: 32.97

total Kms up to a day: 1,440.07

total Kms to go: 2,875.86

media: News Mail Bundaberg

I am scootering through the forest. It is so pleasant - it protects my face from the sun. I am again with my thoughts by now. The birds keep me company. They want to sing me songs it makes me happy it makes me feeling so good. The magpies do not attack me today. I decided that I let my fear of their attacks go. They can not harm me anyway I have a helmet and sunglasses always on. Did I overcome another of my fear – it sounds funny – fearing birds – but I did fear them– and I guess it is still not fully gone....

There is a farm on the other side of the road. I am stopping there to buy some tomatoes. The gentleman is questioning me. He saw me on TV. He knows why I am pushing my scooter. You do not have any sign on how people would know about you. I am taking my bag off turning around showing him my logo – "yes but you have it covered"! "Well, that's what I hope for TV and newspaper to help me with – letting people know"

" Have those tomatoes as a donation" he says. "How much do you charge for it – I put that amount in the donation box" I politely ask. "100 dollars" he says and he laughs – "you've got me" I unswear also laughing. "You better hurry up to make it to the town soon. The deadline is early afternoon" and he is advising me on what media I should contact.
The car pulls aside the road. Is is him – the farmer ?? Yes it is. "I would not normally do it but I drive you to the town". " You want to let people know about your mission"? "Hop in the car and I take you there, you do not have much time if you want to be on tonight news". It was very kind of this gentleman but my support vehicle was not very far away.
Now. I start panicking and my mind is in turmoil. What shall I do. I need to let people know but according to my "plan" I should arrive to Bundaberg tomorrow and I am not too sure If I can contact TV stations. What is the right decision? What shall I do??

Yes I did end up in Bundaberg this afternoon and I have been interviewed by the newspaper there but the article would not be published until next week. There is always decision to be made, there are always different choices we have. Which one is right and which one is wrong? I only know that I learnt a lesson Sometime my mind must be strong enough, sometime it does not help to rush things up ...

I do not feel very well emotionally and also physically tonight. I feel weak and dizzy my heart pulsates very fast . Something irritates my skin. Oh no – 2 very little ticks. They are removed and I am slowly entering into very deep sleep....

Day 50 ( 19 August )

Day 50 (19 August) Bororen - Miriam Vale - Rosedale

kms a day: 38.5

total Kms up to a day: 1,407.17

total Kms to go: 2,908.83

Thank you to everyone for their small coin donation in Bororen camp.

Hot, hot, hot – it is so hot and I am already sweating from this daily scootering exercise. The asphalt is already heated by the sun , its beams are leaning against my back. I pinched a wipe cloth from our kitchen to cover left side of my face. I wished I could start a bit earlier but it does not work for me if I want to do a bit of morning meditation and writing every day.
Not much of strip left for me to scoot on between Bororen and Miriam Vale . The truck are passing by me one by one. It seems like one, long never ending line. They honking at me in a friendly tone. They are waiving at me to say hello. They understand what it feels like to be everyday on the road.
Miriam Vale information centre is our first stop. Kind lady at the info centre placing up my leaflet at the window . She is advising us on the best road to take – direction Bundaberg.
The road is narrow but much quiet. Cars would not interrupt my mind and I can easily dive myself into my road meditation time. The noise comes from my ego now. It will not let me go and fly. It is attached to me like a glue still does not want to say goodbye. It tells me I am someone special it interrupts my harmony. I do not want to fight against I do not want to cause more harm. I will review it from every corner knowing that to get into inner peace might take me a bit more time.
I am on my 25 kilometre and the coming car is stopping. The gentleman is checking on my scooter. "Do you want a sip of water"? He asks. "Yes, I do". I have not much of water left. He hands me a bottle of cold drink. "Good on you" he says when I tell him that I am pushing my scooter to raise money for kids."You keep the bottle" and he pulls off.
I also struggle to put my ego aside when having conversation with Peter after I finished scootering for the day. I would be sitting watching the stars tonight re-thinking what my ego spoke about. Yes, ago is never quite content, it wants to control, it does not want to give up. But my intention on this journey would be not to give my EGO go....

Day 49 ( 18 August )

Day 49 (18 August) Tannum Sands – Benaraby - Bororen

kms a day: 32.9

total Kms up to a day: 1,368.67

total Kms to go: 2,947.33

Before I hop on the scooter today we will do a bit of filming. We drive back to Gladstone –the factories and plants are in real contrast with the beaches around like a beast and a beauty from the fairytale. We were running away from this city the other day – we felt that a mood of depression was trying to catch us on every kilometre until we were enough far away.
All done and I am already on the road. 4 police cars are lined aside the road. 8 pairs of eyes are watching me as I am scootering along. I do not see much of friendliness that's why I am not waiving hello, glad leaving them behind.
Many names are written on the crosses around Gladstone on the roads. The sign of alcohol and drug abuse explains why there are many bunches of fresh cut flowers leied along these narrow roads. Yes, it is sad and a bit dangerous run today.
I do not feel a spirit of creativity around here and that must be why Peter and I had a disagreement on filming the other night. It is simply not here , it is not what provides this town and surrounding of this city.
The heaviness in the atmosphere is vanishing later on. The mountain-range is on the horizon and the vastness and beauty of this country lifts my spirit up again. I start feeling a touch of freedom but I know it is still not mine.
And here I am arriving to a little town Bororan – Peter is waiting already in a little friendly pub – the soda water mixed with the tonic is my reward for scootering in this hot day.

Day 48 ( 17 August )

Day 48 (17 August) Boyne Islands – Tannum Sands – Gladstone area – Boyne Islands

kms a day: 41

total Kms up to a day: 1,235.77

total Kms to go: 2,980.23

Did you know ..... were the last words of my boss at our meetings. It seems like a long time.... a history.... the office.... yes, I am thinking about my work today. I realized that it is not comparable to do training after all day sitting in the office with actually being on the road doing 30-40 kms a day. Now I would feel every muscle of my body the training was a breeze then.....

Did you know that the Gladstone region is home to Australia's most northerly surf beaches and the southern access to the Great Barrier Reef. This information is written in the booklet I received at the information centre in Tannum Sands from a very nice lady who was so excited when she found out that I came originally from the Czech republic. But Gladstone is apparently also the city where residents fear their health – the rate of chronic lymphoid leukaemia was 108 per cent higher than the average in recent years – that's what I learn from the local newspaper

I would be thinking of my sister today. She is in the hospital .... time of the surgery?? – right now. My thoughts of love and healing energy would be with her until I hear that she is all right. I would be pushing my scooter today thinking how much I love her, wishing her quick recovery. She is not only my sister, she is also my very best friend. .

I am arriving to the community centre in Tannum Sands – Marjorie is the lady servicing the counter and we become friends immediately. Her son taught English in the Czech republic She spent some time there... with Czech people... in the community and she is all excited about it, about generosity of Czech people ... and it pleases my heart. I am so glad she had only good experience there – in the country I also so much love.
Before I leave the centre Marjorie is handing out small coin donation. Thank you for that!

One o'clock and I have not heard from my sister yet. I am leaving her a short message – she rings back in 10 minutes. She sounds very groggy but what matters is that she is all right.
Now I am scootering and my spirit rises up – I have a great family and I am realizing that I experience something ...for both my homes... for country I used to live and the country I live now.. I would call spiritual love.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 47 ( 16 August )

Day 47 (16 August) Gladstone

kms a day: nil

total Kms up to a day: 1,294.77

total Kms to go: 3,021.23

media: The Observer newspaper

Weather report – very sunny day. Early morning and its already very hot. I feel dizzy and I still have a bit of headache. Peter is reporting that there is a bump on a tyre - this time it is a car tyre we have to fix. We need to go to Gladston to change it as soon as possible to prevent the tyre to blow up. O.K. I take a day off then – at least I would have the opportunity to stop at the newspaper in Gladstone for an interview.

Day 46 ( 15 August )

Day 46 (15 August) Bajool – Mount Larcom

kms a day: 37.2

total Kms up to a day: 1,294.77

total Kms to go: 3,021.23

Weather report – very sunny day. I should have been on the road by now but we have a fun with Peter waiving at every passing train and we also want to film it. As soon as we take the video camera from the case it is quiet – no train. I am on duty to waive at Peter. He would start the video camera as soon as I see the train on the horizon. I have something to tell him and... the train is already passing by. Too late to film it.

It's nearly mid-day when I am putting my feet on the ground for my today's first push. I should have taken more water today but it's too late. Peter is already somewhere ahead waiting for me. I am already sweating and there is still at least 30 kms ahead me. I am covering my face with a handkerchief to prevent a sunburn. My cheeks get already red.

Oh no - again? The magpie is looking at me from the tree. The bird is ready to attack. Yes here it goes. And it would not stop. I am waiving my hands above my head to keep the bird away. The fear of horror gets into my eyes. I must have entered its territory. I am quickly taking of my helmet – maybe it's the helmet colour what irritates the bird. No its not. I move – the bird flies against me like an air-fighter. Go, go, go away – I am yelling at it. I am managing to put the helmet on again and I am taking off as faster as I can. I can see the shade of the bird behind me – it pecks me strongly into my helmet and then it leaves me alone.

I am arriving at Mount Larcom late afternoon. I am getting a headache . I need a shower and the rest. It was really enough for today.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 45 ( 14 August )

Day 45 ( 14 August ) Rock Hampton - Bajool

kms a day: 28.1

total Kms up to a day: 1,257.57

total Kms to go: 3,058.43

media: WIN Television

The quiet time is over. Peter and I talk again. It feels good. There is stuff we have to do before we leave camp in Rockhampton. I also want to stop at Win Television to ask if they would be interested in an interview.

I do a bit of "office work" on my computer while Peter is repairing flat tyre. We are running out of the time. We are advised that checked out time is 10 o'clock but we are allowed to finish packing and repair.

The WinTelevision building is on our way and I still want to give it a chance for an interview. The only person I can talk today seem to be a gentleman who does cleaning there. But he would call someone from production who is on duty there. The business card is handed to me and I am advised to ring on Monday. Monday – I would be in Gladston by then.

The scenery is beautiful I would be stopping time to time to absorb it. It is late afternoon and sun creates beautiful colour above the mountain-range. I have a good and smooth ride today. 3 police cars are passing me by followed by the Win Television car. Something must be happening in Gladstone is my first thought.

Bajool – the destination for the day – 28.1 kms on my new speedometer. Peter is waiting with the camera and he is filming me as I get closer. We should have filmed the beauty of those mountains not this road –that's what I get as a first thought. All he wants is to let me know that we have an appointment with Win Television – the cameraman is coming back at 5 o'clock for an interview. We did get a tip to stay under the bridge close to the railway and a spiritless little town – Bajool. This town is only to be visited if you have never experienced a ghost town.

Kent from Win Television is coming slightly after 5 o'clock. Our conversation is interrupted by coming train. Yes, they were very busy yesterday - Friday 13th. He is reporting on all the local news. We do not need to read the paper tomorrow::))


Day 44 ( 13 August )

Day 44 (13 August) Day off Rock Hampton

total Kms up to a day: 1229.47

total Kms to go: 3,086.53

media: The Morning Bulletin

Thank you note goes to Jenny for interviewing me for The Morning Bulletin in Rockhampton.

I do not feel myself this morning. Friday 13 on can say not the best day. I have a day off and I will spend it by shopping. I will be approaching TV and newspaper in Rockhampton too. It is part of this journey – accepted.

We are approaching channel 7 building . I m suggesting Peter to film me but he is very reluctant to take of the camera from the case. He does not like this idea to visit media at all We will chat about it later. I need to let people know what is the purpose I am on the road. I was mistaken for a child on a scooter on a few occasion already - wearing a helmet , hat and sunglasses – people can not see my face properly.

I am at the channel 7 reception – apparently no news section is here. I would have to wait for another 2 month – I doubt I have time !! I push my scooter across the road for an interview with the Morning Bulletin. Jenny advises me that I am to late for Saturday addition . Never mind as long as people can learn about this project – Saturday or Monday.

The TV is on the other side of town. It was enough of driving for Peter today. I better ring them... they are busy there is nobody available to interview me this afternoon.
Look at the clock - Late afternoon - all was achieved – new speedometer replaced the empty spot from the one I lost about a week ago. The young bloke at the shop was great – he arranged it on the spot.

We slowly drive through the city to find some place to stay. A lot of happened on this day. The first time we would not want to talk to each other. We both need a quiet time today.. One can say we did not have a good "shot" ...but there is so much I did learn about myself today and I will be reviewing this experience later on ......by the way.

Day 43 ( 12 August )

Day 43 (12 August) Yeppoon – Emu Park - Yeppoon

kms a day: 41.2

total Kms up to a day: 1229.47

total Kms to go: 3,086.53

media: Capricorn Coast Mirror Newspaper

Thank you Sophia for promoting this fund raising journey in the Capricorn Coast Mirror bulletin in Yeppoon

I would be scootering along the cost to EmuPark and back to our base. I need to grant Peter one day off. I do admire him. It must be hard for him to pack and unpack all our stuff every day to pitch his tent , repair the flat tyres etc etc....as we move from place to place like nomads...
The day is sunny and it is a bonus ( after yesterday heavy rain) . Peter is in a good mood and so am I.
I enjoy my meditation on this beautiful Yeppoon beach. This place is one of the best we visited so far. I would not mind to live here.

I want to be on the road early today – i have more than 40 kms on my plate – Yeppoon – Emu Park – Yeppoon . I would still stop at the Mirror local newspaper to ask if they interested in the story. Sophia seems to be excited about this journey. I like her immediately. She is my cup of coffee. She seemed to travel herself a lot. Yes, I understand you do it for charity but what is in that trip for you.... for me?? I am getting to know my true self on this journey I challenge myself I simply evolve. I would answer. The picture for the nespaper is taken on the beach for the article and I hop on scooter to go.

So far I experienced only friendliness. I only seem to have a difficulty to become a friend with magpies. They do not like my yellow-green helmet. The road is lined with the trees and there would be one attack after another . I feel like in the Hitchcock movie – one of the magpies follows me for a while The bird circulates above my head. I see the shade behind me that's when I know that it wants to attack . I push my scooter very fast and finally I am safe I am leaving the bird far behind.

I do enjoy today's ride. Who would not? The road is very narrow but the scenery is so exciting. It is a lot of to be seen - one beautiful beach after another. I am crossing the bridge. There is a couple on their bikes. When I am passing the lady she yells to her husband – you told me it was just a kid on this scooter. .....another person who mistaken me for a child.
I am getting closer to a police man. His camera is pointed at me. What a relief. No fine to be issued for me right now.
I am back at our base on time - 40 kms completed for the day. I can enjoy beautiful sunset.

Day 42 ( 11 August )

Day 42 (11 August) Rockhampton - Yeppoon

kms a day: 36

total Kms up to a day: 1188.27

total Kms to go: 3,127.73

I wake up at 4 o'clock . The rain has not stop yet. Is it what is waiting for me today? Well, If it is I better accept it. After all I am enjoying being dry and warm under the blanket - at least for now. I would be rapping both blankets tightly around me .

Yes it is time to hop on my scooter but I am reluctant to go. It's wet its reining and I did have a good sleep. Peter is urging me not to wonder around and hop on scooter. More he insists less eager I am. I would be doing all unimportant tasks now. I am acting like misbehaving little child. Yes it makes Peter upset a bit.

I would be stopping in information centre about 2 kms away before I make turn to Yeppoon town to inquire media contacts. I have a bit of thinking time before I get there. Why did you behave like a stubborn child? Did you do it to Peter on a purpose ?? It is something I would have to myself ask. I am fully involved in my inner conversation and here I am at the info centre.

I am reading the leaflet placed on the wall in info centre while the gentleman behind the counter is looking up the phone book for TV and newspapers phone numbers. And this is what is written there!
Just for today
Don't be angry
Don't worry
Be grateful
Work hard
Be kind to others.....

Yes, Be kind be kind be kind – this goes in repetition by my inner voice and I am turning left - direction Yep.... Yeppoon.

"My God" its all I could say while running over the brown snake. I looked like a piece of wood from longer distance. I am pushing my scooter uphill to check on it. Yes- brown snake. This creature is looking at me and I am looking at him - of course from very respectful distance . It is not a big size – about 30 cms.. I have probably not ran him over. I saw him under the wheel but I must have just missed him.

Did I experience flat tyre today? Yes I did. It is on daily agenda now. I am pumping the tyre up. I need to make it to Yeppoon. Peter is waiting there for me.
We are stying in Yeppoon very close to the beautiful beach. I would recomend as a "must" to visit.

Day 41 ( 10 August )

Day 41 (10 August) Yaamba - Rockhampton

kms a day: 30.1

total Kms up to a day: 1152.27

total Kms to go: 3,163.73

Another cloudy day and it suites me so well. My face likes it. No more redness -at least not from the sun.

I realized that I enjoy to be on the road. Yes, my muscles get still tired after every day scoot but I seem to get enjoy to be on the road with my thoughts. My mind is quite today for a while. It needs some rest I suppose ... but my heart wants to speak today

It would be all about my father and my love I still have for him. I would be thinking about my father who has missed on his daughter's love. Why did you want to miss on it I would think. . My father never seemed to be interested about us kids and all our love. Peter my companion for this trip treats me so well . He treats me like a little princess. Like a daughter he has just found and I reply to it with my love I have for my father. If I can not have my own one why not to have adopted one. My heart jumps up and down. It is enough love for booth of you. Yes, I am adopting Peter as my father there is so much of daughters love in my heart. A lot of tears ran on my cheeks through out my childhood. Its because kids need bought parents love. I found a "father I can love" and that I think that I discovered unconditional love.

We are arriving to Rock Hampton I am glad I arrived to the destination. The tyre is flat again. It is nice and warm evening. We are advised by George from Giru over the phone that rain is coming our way. And this prediction is correct. Heavy rain is here within 2 hours and it would not stop until next day afternoon.... but it can not spoil my day I feel I am flying... ....Lets fill our hearts with love and light.....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 40 ( 9 August)

Day 40 ( 9 August) Malborough - Merimal

kms a day: 33.4

total Kms up to a day: 1122.17

total Kms to go: 3,193.88

It hard to leave such a beautiful place as is Malborough. As Peter said, it was the best place we have ever stayed overnight so far. Beautiful tranquil scenery. We would enjoy it until 11 o'clock .
The sun is hiding behind the clouds. I would not be adding any more of redness to my cheeks today.
The score for today – flat tyre – yes. All lost property - found. My bag with all cards and driver's licence was kept at the petrol station in Malborough and also one of the glove I use for scootering was found on the road. The life is good.

Day 39 ( 8 August)

Day 39 ( 8 August) Rocky Crossing- Malborough

kms a day: 33.1

total Kms up to a day: 1088.77

total Kms to go: 3,227.23

Thank you note: Thank you goes to the lady and her husband for giving me the Vitamin E cream for my to easy my burnt face..

Another very cold morning. We were told by locals that nights in this year winter are unusually cold. It is what we now experience. The blanket is fully rapped around my body. The steam of my moutn spreads around. It is my fifth cup of tea . I hope it warms me up a hot shower is what I am dreaming about. No camp between St. Lawrance and Malborough was found. We are parking on the strip of land next to the roadhouse. It is on the market that's why closed? Very noisy night we had. I have realized how many trucks are on the road.
The sun is rising time to go to Malborough. Today's run is not the best one. The aside road for another 33 kms is eaten too much. Only white line on the edge remains not much of the strip I can scoot on today. I am jumping aside the road with every truck that passes me by. I can become an advisor on the quality of this road by now.
I am browsing through my memory files again. The pain of my recent unpleasant experience wants to become part of my thoughts . Pain heals over the time . It wants to be my companion for now. I would be leaving bit by bit of it with my every push today. I am recalling words my mother used to say when I was a child. Do not cause any hurt or pain to anyone - not intentionally . What you do not like to be done to you never do to anyone else. ... Did I hurt or caused any pain to anyone? I am searching through my memory. Maybe I did... thought I did not want to. I am apologizing quietly I have enough time I am still on the road. Only positive to be taken of my every experience – is my final verdict.

We are here to have a joy, we are here to enjoy every bit of our ride – said my friend Julie my reiki healer before I was leaving for this journey.....and she is right. I am stopping to look around. The scenery is so magnificent.

I will keep Peter busy tonight again. Another flat tyre. I am very lucky that I get it at the end of my scoot today.
If you get through Malborough you can camp behind the pub. Be quick – only 8 campervans are allowed to stay. . Enjoy the tranquillity of that place as well as a nice meal.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 38 ( 7 August)

Day 38 ( 7 August) St. Lawrence – Rocky Crossng

kms a day: 36.1

total Kms up to a day: 1055.67

total Kms to go: 3,260.33

Thank you note: Thank you goes to a group of young people I passed by on the road for their kind donation.

It is freazing. One of the coldes morning today, here at St. Lawrence. The wind makes it even worth. I want a cup of coffee now. Peter hops from his tent but as soon as he puts the cattle on he is under his 4 blankets again.

I do not want to miss on this lovely morning. No matter how cold it is. The sun is slowly taking over dark areas. I am sipping from my cuppa watching the bunch of kangeroos. They have an interesting game to play. Two of them hold each other and they are each other aside. They stop, move a few meters and repeat this game again.

When do we see you back on the road. People are coming to ask. As soon as we take some video footage. When done a picture with me on scooter is taken by our "neighbour" and off I go...

"How far are you going on this" a young man voice yells at me across the road. To Melbourne" What?? A group of young people look at me in disbelief. Yes, I am raising money for kids. As soon as say it they give me some donation. It goes directly into the donation tin. Thank you very much..and I am pushing myself to go...

Day 37 ( 6 August )

Day 37 ( 6 August) Clairview – St. Lawrence

kms a day: 32.5

total Kms up to a day: 1019.57

total Kms to go: 3,296.43

Thank you note: Thank you June for walking with me around the campervan village in St. Lawrence to spread the words about my journey. Thank you everyone for your donation in St. Lawrence campervan village and the pub

" I have a bad and a good news for you " were Brendon last words when I was leaving Armstrong beach two ( or three??) days ago. I asked him to tell me a bad news first. "Well the wind would l be blowing against you for another 200 kms. The motorway is an open area – no trees. "O.K. tell me a good one then" I would ask." Good one is that after 200 kms wind might ease up a little bit....I do recall his words today while pushing the scooter from Clarview to St. Lawrence today. The wind is very strong indeed.
media interest today ?? - none – but the dead snake findings – one. I am amusing my mind with this slogan for a little while. Bad smell of half rotten brown snake spreads around the area. It was a good size one too.
I am reaching my 1000 kms. Peter is waiting with the camera to film it. Wow. 1000 kms behind me. How did I manage I do not know. But it is here on my speedometer. ...well... speedometer is gone... I lost it . After we captured the moment for the camera I would be scootering back to look for lost speedometer. It is not to be found.I am a bit upset for a little while. It is gone.. its gone I better accept it now. I record my milage every day there is no drama!
If you are on your journey through north Queensland and you like westerns movies do not miss a little village St. Lawrnace. We are suck in that atmosphere as soon as we park our car.
A lady is coming to talk to us. "I saw you on the road" she goes. "I will come with you around the camp. Lets let everyone to know why you are everyday on the road". And she does "Can you spare a dollar?" she is asking everyone around. Yes, they can.
I did let June to do all talking as I was a bit shy. But time feels right for me to ask you now.
Can you spare a dollar?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 36 ( 5 August )

Day 35 ( 5 August) Clairview Day off

kms a day: nil

kms to go: still thousands

resting: a lot

Thank you note: Thank you John for your coin donation , gentleman on a bike for his $ 20donation and also our camp neighbours from Victoria for $ 10 donation.

Burnt face, mosquitoes bites and muscle ache was the score of the last night. I am glad I do not need to be on the road. Hooray, Hooray – it is a resting day today!!

Day 35 ( 4 August)

Day 35 ( 4 August) Koumala - Clairview

kms a day: 32

total kms up to a day: 987.07

total kms to go: 3,328.93

Thank you note: Thank you goes to our 2 neighbours in Koumala camp for their small donation and also thank you John for offering me the cream for burnt face.
Our friend from Melbourne arrived last night. He brought us a big cake. We can share not only our experience from our journey with people around this morning but also this "huge" cake.
Jerry travels up north and he waived us goodbye early morning. Peter minds the packing and I am hopping on my scooter.

People start to acknowledge why they see me on the road. Some of them would bring small donation now. It makes me feeling good.
It is after 10 o'clock only but it is already very hot . My lips are getting swollen my face is burning. I put some sun cream on my face. It makes it only worth. My face is in a fire now but I have still 15 kms to go.

I hear some funny sound. What is it? A snake attack? No... just air from my front tyre . I can not believe it. Flat tyre again? . I keep Peter busy indeed. it is 5 time in one week.
I do not wait too long for Peter to arrive with a spare scooter. He seems to be a bit upset. The owner ( maybe a manager) of the camp was under impression that our friend from Melbourne was staying with us in our motorhome. That's why he did not want to return our $ 10 deposit on the key we paid last night.
It did not help when Peter politely advised him that our friend was sleeping in his car outside the camp. He simply did not believe it. If our friend was staying with us we would have paid of course. Simple like that. Apparently he is not a charity. Well. We are and I hope that this money will help him. After all this camp is kept very clean.

It is early evening and we arrived to our destination. Clairview – a beautiful place! We meet John on the beach. When he sees my badly burnt face he does not hesitate a minute to offer me the cream to smooth the pain. There are good people around. No question about that!

Day 34 ( 3 August )

Day 34 ( 3 August) Sarina – Armstrong beach - Koumala

kms a day: 32

total kms up to a day: 955.07

total kms to go: 3,360.93

Thank you note to Kerry and the kids for her $ 10 donation and, Stewart for his 20 $ donation, Steve for $ 10 donation and all gentlemen in Koumala's pub for their coins donation.
Thank you Brendon for giving us an interview for our video clip.

We were staying at Armstrong beach last night. You see the line of ships on the horizon. It is mining industry area. Ships – sometime 90 of them - would be waiting there to be fill up with coal. That's what we learn from Brendon who is managing this place." There is more jobs available that you can even think. They need at least 4500 people . It is always shortage of a "labour" here".

11 o'clock and I am not on the road yet. My both scooters have experienced flat tyre. Peter takes care of it while I am chatting to Brendon. " you get very fit from you scootering" he says ." Not as fit as a football player" I say in a light tone. And that's what Brendon used to be. He used to play a football professionally.
"When you are a football player you think you tall and no bullet can get through to you" . "It took me a while to become a normal person, to live a normal life when I finished with it".
(Normal person? Normal life? It is sounds strange to me. What's normal and what is not?? It would resonate in my ears later on when I would be back on the road.)
"We all have to try to live this life" I respond to it. "try"? " I'd rather live" . "No time for trying" Brendon briskly adds. ! How true. It is his words I would be re-thinking while scootering today.
I am on my 7th kilometres and I wish we were having this conversation in front of our camera – there was something many of us could learn from Brendon's words.
I must go back It would be worth to ask Brendon for an interview . I am turning my scooter backwards. He is surprised to see me back and he agrees to say a few words into our camera. I feel satisfied.

The purple car is stopping aside the road. I can only see $ 10 notes hanging out the window. I scoote closer. It is Kerry and her kids. They want to donate to the cause. Well done Vratka she goes while pushing the 10 dollars into the tin.

We arrived to Koumala late afternoon. We would be staying in a camp aside the local pub. Time to "socialise" a bit. As soon as "boys" hear from Peter about our mission they are reaching for their wallets. Money goes stright into the tin. Steward is keen to place the leaflet on the noticeboard. . Thank you very much gentlemen!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 33 - August 2

Day 33 ( 2 August) Mackay – Sarina – Armstrong beach

kms a day: 38.71

kms up to a day: 923.07

total Kms to go: 3,392.93

media: channel 7 news, Win TV news, Daily Mercury newspaper.

Thank you note to Lucy from Daily Mercury for interviewing me to publish an article. Amy and Josh from channel 7 for interviewing me for news on channel 7 and Isabela and Dough from Win TV for interviewing me for news on channel 9.
I am ready to hop on scooter to scoot to the city. I would be targeting media this morning. It would help a lot if they help to promote this journey. It would be good to let people know when they see me why I am on the road riding my scooter.
I am already speaking to the lady at the channel 7 reception. She disappears to ask for someone who can help. Amy is coming but the cameraman would not be back until 10 o'clock. Never mind. I have the Daily Mercury newspaper to visit too. The photo is taken and I scoot back to the channel 7.
Now I am scootering in front of the camera for tonight news. There is another interview taken on the other side of the street. Now I realize that it is Win TV. When I finish here it would be worth asking next door if they would be interested ... and they are.
All went to my satisfaction. This trip will get some publicity again. I do not even mind to start scootering in the middle day when the sun is fully out again.... and arriving to beautiful Armstrong beach is the cream on the cake for this day.


Day 32 - August 1

Day 32 ( 1st August - Sunday ) Farleigh - Mackay

kms a day: 30.4

total Kms up to a day: 884.36

total Kms to go: 3,431.64

Thank you note goes to lady who allowed for our vehicle to be parked next to the campervan park in Mackay for free.

"Your cup of coffee is ready" Peter's morning surprise. Time?? 5.45. I wish I could sleep longer. I would not be saying anything. Who would spoil this gesture of his kindness ." How can you sleep when the birds are so loud ". .."because I have my ear plugs" I am answering reluctantly. It is useless to try to sleep any longer. I am clumsily getting of my bed.

Mosquitoes bites from last night start itching as soon as I sit in my camping chair. Even my face was not spare from them. Hmm...Sunday morning I only wish I could sleep longer today.
I sit on the beach for an hour. The sun is rising. Beautiful morning - no doubt. It is only my ego doubting me this morning , doubting my trip and myself. Do we need to use this confrontation tone right now? But my ego would be persistent. Why are you on this journey ? How much money did you raise by now ? Is it worth your effort. I want to escape all these question but there is nowhere to go.

Peter keeps quiet – he can clearly see I am not very good companion this morning. I will quickly prepare myself and I push my scooter go...
I am fighting every kilometre today as well as my ego – and I won. 5 hours of scootering is over and I feel good again. I know why I am on the road - I want to help - I know it ,I feel it and I believe in it.

I speak to my sister over the phone. " Should we stay in Mackay or continue to Sarina?" It 's the question I would ask. The media in Mackay are not available today. The decision must be made." It is easy" she says. If you do this journey for yourself continue ahead if you do it for kids stay and approach to TV and newspaper tomorrow.
I feel confident to be interviewed again.

Day 31

Day 31 Seaforth-Ball Bay-Farleigh

kms a day: 33.16

kms up to a day: 853.96

total Kms to go: 3,462.04

A special thank you goes today to my great beautiful and so much loved sisters.

Martina who lives in Tasmania and who is always "there" for me. She is a bone stone of this trip. Helping me so much!
.. and to my sister Petra. It is her wedding day today. She understands why I am not there in the Czech Republic on her wedding day but here on the road, raising money for children and discovering myself.

It is a special day today for a few reasons.. July 31 – I am already one month on the road. The time flies for all of us. Nearly 1000 km behind me . It feels its been a long time I started but it also feels it was just yesterday. So many places we saw and explored by now. So many places we must skip . Seaforth is the one not to be missed. I feel so privileged today, I drive my scooter bit by bit everyday and I see so much of this land.

I finish my scooting late afternoon. Time to ring the Czech Republic to greet my sister Petra. She will get married today. Nobody knows yet Рexcept for her fianc̩ - of course: It will be surprise to everyone when her birthday party turns into the wedding celebration. She is telling me all about it. Her fianc̩ and Petra will arrive on the tractor dressed for the wedding occasion while everyone celebrates her birthday.I can laugh my head off just to picture it. I wish I was there. But I am not and she understands.

Yes, I feel privileged today. I have my two great sisters !!! What else you can wish for? My sisters are and were always available when I needed them. Always caring, sharing and helping each other. I am so blessed.

Day 30

Day 30 - Mount Ossa – Kuttabul - Seaforth

weight: ?? new scale was not bought yet

kms a day: 41.3

total Kms up to a day: 820.80

total Kms to go: 3,495.20

I am back on the road after 2 days off. The first " thing" I am seeing is a dead snake. It must be there for a long time. Only the skin is what remains - firmly pressed against the surface. Frogs of the same sort would then follow.

I would have a good run today. Time off helped a lot. The body ache is gone at least for now. That's only " laziness " I must to overcome. I might to scoot even more that is my "plan".

The lady on the billboard is announcing that " to journey the world brings you to your destination" I hope so, I hope so.... is my fist thought.
The road is unusually quiet. My pray to have a smooth run must have been heard. A fancy old and coloured car is passing by " go with the flow" that's what is written on the car. Is that a message from the universe? I wish to joint....

The thoughts are overtaking slowly. It is always something to think about. Emotions to be check from every corner. I am breaking firmly but relieved . It was not a snake I ran over. Just a black strip of the tyre. Get your mind back and concentrate ...yes .. you "day dreamer" is what my inner voice would advise.

Hello" "how are you" I am yelling through the traffic to the man on his bike on the other side the road. He is up to have a chat. The traffic is back to normal by now. I would wait to cross the road. Greg is travelling on his bike from Perth. Proserpine is his destination for tonight.It must be at least another 90 kms to go. He is a champion in my eyes. Pushing his bike pack with all the stuff he needs. 4999 kms is on his speedometer from Melbourne up to here. And it is not his first run around Australia. What is mine 30-40 kms in comparison to that? I like his two mascot attached to the handlebar. We take the picture of each other and its time to go.

I am taking a left turn of the main road. This road is narrow. I would jump aside the road with every bigger car passing me by . Seaforth is the place we are heading to . It is apparently another beauty of Australia. It is not going to be missed. Especially after our longer stay in "the city" ( the previous place)...

Day 28-29 days off

Day 28-29 Days off staying in the place between Mount Ossa - Kuballu

We would be staying in the camp close to Kuballu for 3 nights. Until now I was looking forward to my 2 days off. Sometimes our choice would not be the best one and it seems to be the case. We must have made this choice to appreciate any other place even more. And we were lucky we saw only beauty of this continent so far.

Well, we could not have chosen any "better" this time. Our first impression?? If you want to feel depressed go to this place. We took an advice that there is mine show in Mackay and camps around are fully booked too seriously.

Positive thinking is our motto on this trip and it is a must here. Huge campervans standing out like skyscrapers. Am I in the city? Huge motorhomes with aside extensions. It is something I have seen only in the picture. People would be in them for the most of time. Lets go to explore this area bit more. Trees with yellow coloured leaves lines the road around the camp. A typical European autumn day. The drizzly/misty rain would complete the full picture.

It can't be all this place has to offer!? . And its not. What a beauty I found behind all those monsters! The stream is running through the bush. The magnificent three is spreading long branches above all of this. The noise from the highway can be forgotten easily . The paradise has been found again.

Day 27

Day27 Dryander National Park - Proserpine

weight: 62 kgs

kms a day: 37

total Kms up to Date: 779.5

total Kms to go: 3536.5

Thank you note: Thank you to Peter for servicing both scooters and for repairing the flat tyre

One cup, two cups and a third cup and I finally wake up. Only today and I have 2 days off. It keeps me going. I need to wait until my scooter is ready. The flat tyre needs to be fixed.
I scooter through the Hydeaway beach. The car stopped and a person comes to talks to me. I have to take the cotton plugs out of my ear to hear him. "Girl I know all about you"." You are scootering down to Melbourne". Yes I am. "Are you the first person to achieve this?" is his question. "No I am not. My ex-husband has done it 13 years ago. I might be the first female." " Go for it "girl". " I am with you". Are his last words. He sounds confident. I wish to share his confidence.

Before I scoot on main road I would do a ride on a Dingo beach to say good bye to this lovely place. I can not find it on the map we have but I am so glad we discovered such attractive area "lacking' tourist. Maybe not too good for local business but good for one's mind.

I continue my riding. The smell of death announces every dead animal on the road. There are a lot of them on this road. I am surprise to see several dead wild pigs. One of them seems to be burned.

A cow is behind the spike wire. How did she get there no idea? There does not seem to be any holes in it. It must be a young one. She runs ahead of me. I try to get around her but she is confused by coming cars. She would be running with me for a few kilometres. I have a friend on the road now.
It starts raining. The hills are covered with the misty clouds. It is a bit spooky. I like it, it would not look good if I took a picture but I take one for myself in my mind.

I feel good with every kilometre I manage today. It is incredible. When I do my counting for today I have nearly 800 kilometres behind me. I wonder how I managed. Will I manage another 3536.5 is a question I would ask...

Day 26

Day 26 Bowen –Dingo beach - Hydeaway bay – Dryander National Park

weight: 62 kgs

kms a day: 33.85

total kms up to date: 742.5

total kms to go: 3,573.5

Thank you note: Thank you note goes to Lyn from the information centre on Bruce highway for her $ 5 donation and also displaying my leaflet in the info centre and Diane from Victoria/Gippsland for her $ 10 donation.

It is time to move to another place. 10 o'clock - time to go. 10 o'clock. Peter gets nervous. " You should have been on the road by now"!! One more e-mail and I will go. I like to see him smiling and happy in the morning not grumpy. I do not want to spoil the atmosphere. I quickly pack computer to prepare for a ride.

He is a great person ( Peter) I am thinking while I push my scooter. Who would be able to take up so many tasks for this trip as he has? In his age!!! He cooks, packs and unpacks all our stuff anytime we anchor in a new spot. Filming and photos are also on his agenda..... I have to show him that I appreciate him ..

Wind blows against me. Nothing new. Does anyone understand the wind?? Why is it blowing against me always!!! There are time it feels that no matter how much strength I am putting in my pushes I am not moving from one spot. I am flowing slowly through. I have 37 kms on the agenda for today. I do not think I am able to make it... not after yesterdays 40 kms. Never mind I will catch up another day..

The channel 7 and Win TV cars are passing by. Oh, dear there are not here for you. It must be something interesting happening in Proserpine gets through my mind.

Peter is picking me up on my 34th kilometer. I have enough. The wind is so strong that I can not push myself any more. My body gets stronger. I feel my thighs and butt muscles developing, becoming very firm.

I nest myself in car taking off my helmet. "What are you doing" I scream at Peter. Peter pulls off the road faster then I expect. I had enough scooting for the day why is he stopping briskly gets through my mind. "we are stopped by the police" . Police... why police... my mind is panicking..
"Where is your scooter rider"! - The female voice queries . "Next to me" answers politely Peter. Now I can see the police lady. It is a look of the surprise I get "you do not look like a 10 years old boy" ?!she says ." We were reported of a young boy scootering the road"." You do not look like him". "Have you seen anyone of that "description." "No I have not". More questions are to come.
"What time had you been on the road since" " 10 o 'clock and I am riding a bike like scooter not a children toy". I am quickly adding. Peter hops off the car to open the door to show the scooter. The police lady seems to be satisfied. "Is it how you dress when scootering?? Yes, plus this safety vest and the helmet". I just took it off. It still sits next to me. I quickly grab it to prove my words.

She is smiling now. " it is fine, no drama" she goes. What a relief. My respect for authority must be transparent . It is Peter's turn now. He quickly grabs the leaflet to hand it over to the police lady before she is gone.
The sign announces the Dingo beach time to explore more of Australia. We turn left - a good decision. Dingo beach is the most interesting place I have seen on this trip. I wish we were permitted to stay. Small pub and a spooky beach. I wish we could stay overnight. Not without paying 1500 fine. We move to next one we are permitted to stay. I feel so privileged to be in the nature again.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 25

Day 25 around Bowen - Proserpine

weight: 62 kgs

kms a day: 39.54

kms up to date: 708.65

kms to go: 3,607.35

Thank you note: Thank you note goes to Peter Mobbison from hardware store in Bowan who donated $ 5 and ladies at the information centre for their $ 5 note and coins donation and for placing my leaflet in the information centre.

I am f. stuck here who is f....... going to help me. If you were f.... in my position ...... I can not believe it is still dark and the gentleman on the street outside the camp is having this long and loud telephone "conversation". It is my first night when I did not need to take any painkiller and was peacefully asleep until now. A man is on the phone for another at least 20 minutes. I can not get back to sleep. Every 3rd word is f... word. I am thinking of a "gentleman's" words for a while. The wave of anger and frustration follows his words. One person told me recently that f .... word is just a word meaning nothing. Does it?? I think. What about words of joy and love.... it certainly means something to me. I am here on this journey to learn to understand the zest of life. To experience joy and freedom to tap into unconditional love....

Morning goes as usual except for Peter being on his legs already preparing a cuppa. I feel good as a matter of fact a beam of joy comes to me. The grace is entering into my heart. I want to share it. I go and hug Peter. He says nothing my gesture made him a bit surprised but it is a happy morning for him too. He does not need to pack all our stuff. We will be staying one more night and he can do his so loved cooking that he is so passion about.
I get ready for my scootering. The French couple and their daughter are packing . They are holidaying here. Peter is advising them how to spot Southern Cross. " it is simple to spot it" he says "you can not leave Australia without seeing it".
The daughter gets our expedition T-shirt. She puts it on and we take a picture. Peter gets the video camera but it takes a minute to put it on, the natural atmosphere is gone so he switches it off.
I am waiving our French neighbour goodbye from my scooter. I am on the road again and my mind is searching the memories. The time I went hitchhiking through the France. What an experience it was. Sleeping in the open air. Experiencing a heavy thunderstorm with no were to hide. Working hard in the grape's farm. I can not count how many great people we met on the road then.
... and here I am back on the road..... with a hope to experience the glory of life....

If you want to feel like you are in a western movie visit Bowan town. I am scootering through the town. It seems that time stopped here. It is very quiet. I am "expecting" two cowboys to ride horses through the town.
I am chatting with a man in the hardware store. I need to buy a money can for small donation when I get on the road. He is handing $ 5 note donation to me.' Thank you Peter. Every dollar counts. We can make this world a better place' I go.

The main road gets me to a information centre. " May I ask you to put up my leaflet about my journey" I ask the lady in a little window. With a hesitation she reads the leaflet. Yes, of course I will put it up she goes. You are brave! "Do you really scoot on this??" Yes I do I laugh. "It must be hard" she continues.... Yes it is... I answer..... It was easy to day when I was planning it now it is not as such.... I answer ... laughing again.... both ladies in a little Info centre are giving me donation. Money goes directly into donation box.
I am taking a ride around Bowan searching for beaches. Always beautiful , always a bit different to other places. Where will we be tomorrow I think.
Australia, Hollywood in Bowen, Bowen become Darwin are the big signs on the esplanade. What on earth is this.... how can someone associate Hollywood with Bowan.. Yes, it looks like the Wild West but what does it have to do with Hollywood?... I get closer.... Aha.... Now I get it. The film Australia was filmed here. 3 big signes are giving me more details. This little town played Darwin in second world war. I have not seen this movie. It is time I do.
Time to scoot back. I have nearly 40 kms on my speedometer. I am tired and I need a shower . It was sunny the most of the day and I really did get sweaty today....

Day 24

24 Ayer - Bowen

weight: 62.5kgs

kms a day: 34.62

kms up to date: 669.49

kms to go: 3,646.89

Thank you note: Thank to Patrick Georgia and their Granma Margaret for stopping in Home Hill and giving me a donation of $ 10.00

Another day, another challenge, self-discoveries and new feelings. It is already a very windy day The mosquitoes will not bite today. Too windy for them. I have to find something positive in it. It seems I will need to employ my motivation today again. I want to get on the road as soon as possible.9 o'clock and I am ready.
The sun is fully up. I usually bump into the snake in these sunny days . They seem to love to sun bake on the road. I have to scan the edge of the road as I scoot I think ... what would be a better option ... the snake bite or to be hit by the car?? I do this "positive thinking" while riding my vehicle now. No need for panicking ... just be careful and scan the surface.
The wind gets stronger and stronger with time. Please, please could you stop for a little time... I discussed this trip with Vivien in Melbourne a lot. She kept correcting me. It is not IF... you will finish your trip...
"if you are tired, remember me" I will be with you "sitting' on your right shoulder. Just look at me I will give you strength.. Vivien I wish you knew how many "right looks "I had by now...
Why was not Petr telling me about this strong wind..... overwhelmed with frustration my inner voice gets angry. How could he ...he did not experience it ... he was scootering the other way .... is the answer. You just accept it , accept it as it is. There is nothing more you can do for now. Give up or Go...
My thoughts are shifting . There are other emotion to be look at. Its the fear....It is deeply nested in me and I even did not know about it. Different types of fear. No wonder Peter calls me little scary bag. It will be tested soon..

The tall bridge gets into my way. I am standing in front of it is steel construction. Cars start honking at me not in a friendly "tone" The bridge is long and yes, I am afraid to scoot through.... Should I wait for Peter??? There is the steel aside construction to walk through. I step on it and walk forward and backward... I am very scared .... the bridge shakes with every car passing through and I am shaking too.... should I come back... go go go I hear my voice... your mission is also about you ...overcoming your fear. I look down... I get dizzy... Will it hurt if I fall down the bridge... The bridge is long ... will it ever ends I think...one hand pushes the scooter the other holds the handrail firmly... step by step... .the adrenalin rises up I get more sweaty than when scootering. .... .. I see the stairs...wave of relief runs through my body .... I made it.... It might be funny to some people... but it was a big challenge for me..

Already feeling good scootering beside the road. I feel lighter, I feel happy. One challenge is behind me. The car is honking I see people waiving. They stopped. A lady with her two grandchildren. They are from Weipa. They read about me in the paper. They want to donate some money. They wish me all the best. They see me as a brave lady... If you saw me just before... are my thoughts now...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 23

Day23 Giru – Ayer again

weight: 62.5kgs

kms a day: 35.72

total Kms up to date: 634.49

total Kms to go: 3,681.51

I can feel my yesterday's kms "portion" in my legs again. I wonder if my body will ever adjust into daily scootering. A day off helps a lot but after one day of scootering I am back into my ache. But maybe later on I will be fine. Anyway it is in human nature to overcome our limits and go further. They say if you think you are at the end of your strength you are just at the "middle".

My motivation is as "high" as my pain. I am challenging myself physically and mentally. The universe has thrown its "glove" (there are many beside the road) and I am "fighting" every single kilometre. At least for now.....
I do my writing today until 1 o'clock. If i do not capture the feelings and happenings of each day I can easily forget it. There is so much to think of , there is so much to release, there is so much to find about myself.
The phone rings. It is George "where are you??" He wants to tell me something . I pack my stuff quickly. It is time to say goodbye and start scootering. It is getting really late. I have never started that late.

"Hi George" I came to say goodbye. "I know but sit down I have something to tell you". The tears to pour on his cheeks like a tiny creek. I want to tell you that you inspired me. I want to tell you that I do not want to sit here doing nothing. I want to find my daughter and my son and see them at least once more in my life.
I am glad for you" I go. I have a father I have not seen for a long time. He was not too good to us but I still love him. There is also forgiveness and he was forgiven and I would be so happy if I hear from him at least once.

Now I think I understand why I was dragged back to Giru. I wanted to touch the freedom George understands. I want to know what it feels like , I want to pour it like a glass of Champaign and dance with it each night I look at stars. That's what George represents for me. Freedom. And if I also inspired him to see his children what else can I wish for. You never know they might be as I am waiting for his father to "turn up". Maybe the grandchildren want to see their grandpa?? Who knows. Maybe George would be a good grandfather. May be... who knows. If we do not try... we do not know and there would be only... who knows left with us...

I do not think there are accidents in our life. If anyone who reads this blog knows George Freeman please let me know. I would like to help him to find his daughter and son.
I did not manage to be on the road any earlier then after 1 o'clock. It gets harder, the wind is much stronger in the afternoon. I try to swim through but it is pushing me back. The road between Giru and Ayer is slightly uphill too. You can not see it from the car but when you are pushing each step you can feel it. NO question.

After my 16 kms I get really tired. I do not know if I will complete my limit today. The scooter I have chosen for the day is a new one much heavier that the old one. On my 19 kms I want to stop. The scooter gets heavier and heavier. I am tired and frustrated I want to throw it aside and hitchhike to Ayer. My right thigh muscle starts to playing up. I get sharp pain with my each push. I need to employ my left leg more thinking of leaving the right leg to relax but I am swapping legs regularly – it is too automatic.

You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. my inner voice goes in repetition. You can do it. Oh man still 15 kms ahead. I can do it I can do it... I am repeating loudly now...
I could do it and I did. Phone is ringing. Kayleen from Save the Children in Brisbane. I have nearly completed my task today. I try to sound enthusiastic even thought am tired. The Friday afternoon noise does not allow me to hear her properly... I will send you an e-mail were her last words.

Peter is picking me up on my 35,7 kms it is just a few more kilometres to Ayr. He has done his shopping and wants to tell me all about it. I am staring at him. I am tired I can not talk. He picks me up quickly. Get into the car and do not talk , Relax. "You look like it is your last minute" well that's how I feel too....
... I had a hard scoot today.... some days are hard some are easy.... but I did get rewarded.... a hot shower and an excellent meal peter knows I like....... and it's time to hop into my bed....

Day 22

Day 22

Weight: 62.5kgs

kms a day: 38.82

total Kms up to date: 599.22

total Kms to go: 3,716.78

I feel fresh and fit. A day off really helped. A night without the muscle pain. When I spoke to Petr ( my ex-husband who scootered from Wilson Prom to Cape York) he said that the hardest bit is first 1000 kms. Let's see if my body will adjust to this everyday exercise.

It is my first day when I do not force myself to it. As a matter of fact I am looking forward to be left on my own. To enjoy the nature to be with my thought. I am preparing fast. I can't wait to bethere..

And I am happy. We are going to see George. Peter agrees with my idea to surprise him. I know he will be happy and it makes me happy and excited. I can not wait to see his happy eyes when he sees us back.
I am pushing my scooter toward the Ayer. The lake with white water lilies lines road. Peter is waiting there for me to film it. It is done and he is heading forward to do some shopping in Ayer. When we will continue backwards back to Giru. It is only 37 kms from Ayr.
What would people think if they see me travelling up north instead of south. Oh Gosh... why do I even think that. Who is the one who is setting up the "rules" here. I am the one! I still do my daily limit and why should anyone care if I do it either way . This bother really bothers me. Why do I get the thought of what people "can" think on my mind. Do I still have to learn not to pay attention to what people say. I know what is the most important. Not to betray myself, to do what is right, feel the joy and happiness in my heart . And I do. I know that I will make someone happy tonight. And it is what matters!
You who reads this my lines please do not think that I am a generous person. I get too much of it. I feel happy I feel joy    !! You can not buy it. My time is not wasted on this journey if I go to visit this 73 years old gentleman
Peter finished his shopping in Ayer. I need to stop at the post office to send USB with our short film for video clips. I am directing my scooter back toward Townsville. It is another 22 kms to fulfil my limit for a day.
The car is pulling off the road and I have to overtake it. Opssss..... there is a snake just run over - still alive. I am watching his last moments from a "serious" distance .It is sad to see him dying – life and death of this deadly "creature".
"I did not run him over" – I hear behind my back. The young gentleman gets off the company vehicle. "It is a brown snake" . The snake stop moving , he is dead now. The young bloke grabs him ( I would not). I am quickly taking some pictures. His deadly teeth are shown as a young man takes a screwdriver to show them. That's where you get the poison from I think. He can not hurt us any more ... or can he??
I see a lot of snakes on the road. Some are dead and some are alive. I always keep a respectful distance from them but you never know. Peter keeps reminding me to be careful I guess I am...I have not run anyone over yet. I hope I spot them first. I do not want to hurt and I do not want to get hurt. Will this balance work for me??
Nearly in GIRU. The last so familiar kilometres. It feels I am scootering back home. I did ring George in the morning to announce our visit. You do not want to shock him after his 2 heart attacks
He can't wait to see us. The ringing mobile displayed his name. " Where are you"??. " I do not have much to go, George but I still need to do my scootering of the day". "all right I will wait then...
Yes, He is happy and so am I. He is right – you can never substitute this happiness for material things. $ 2 coin is exchanged for a hot shower in the Giru international hotel and here we are - nice a fresh again. All ready for a dinner. They cook excellent in this pub. Time to have a rest. Nearly 40 kms today, my feet start to complain.