Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 24

24 Ayer - Bowen

weight: 62.5kgs

kms a day: 34.62

kms up to date: 669.49

kms to go: 3,646.89

Thank you note: Thank to Patrick Georgia and their Granma Margaret for stopping in Home Hill and giving me a donation of $ 10.00

Another day, another challenge, self-discoveries and new feelings. It is already a very windy day The mosquitoes will not bite today. Too windy for them. I have to find something positive in it. It seems I will need to employ my motivation today again. I want to get on the road as soon as possible.9 o'clock and I am ready.
The sun is fully up. I usually bump into the snake in these sunny days . They seem to love to sun bake on the road. I have to scan the edge of the road as I scoot I think ... what would be a better option ... the snake bite or to be hit by the car?? I do this "positive thinking" while riding my vehicle now. No need for panicking ... just be careful and scan the surface.
The wind gets stronger and stronger with time. Please, please could you stop for a little time... I discussed this trip with Vivien in Melbourne a lot. She kept correcting me. It is not IF... you will finish your trip...
"if you are tired, remember me" I will be with you "sitting' on your right shoulder. Just look at me I will give you strength.. Vivien I wish you knew how many "right looks "I had by now...
Why was not Petr telling me about this strong wind..... overwhelmed with frustration my inner voice gets angry. How could he ...he did not experience it ... he was scootering the other way .... is the answer. You just accept it , accept it as it is. There is nothing more you can do for now. Give up or Go...
My thoughts are shifting . There are other emotion to be look at. Its the fear....It is deeply nested in me and I even did not know about it. Different types of fear. No wonder Peter calls me little scary bag. It will be tested soon..

The tall bridge gets into my way. I am standing in front of it is steel construction. Cars start honking at me not in a friendly "tone" The bridge is long and yes, I am afraid to scoot through.... Should I wait for Peter??? There is the steel aside construction to walk through. I step on it and walk forward and backward... I am very scared .... the bridge shakes with every car passing through and I am shaking too.... should I come back... go go go I hear my voice... your mission is also about you ...overcoming your fear. I look down... I get dizzy... Will it hurt if I fall down the bridge... The bridge is long ... will it ever ends I hand pushes the scooter the other holds the handrail firmly... step by step... .the adrenalin rises up I get more sweaty than when scootering. .... .. I see the stairs...wave of relief runs through my body .... I made it.... It might be funny to some people... but it was a big challenge for me..

Already feeling good scootering beside the road. I feel lighter, I feel happy. One challenge is behind me. The car is honking I see people waiving. They stopped. A lady with her two grandchildren. They are from Weipa. They read about me in the paper. They want to donate some money. They wish me all the best. They see me as a brave lady... If you saw me just before... are my thoughts now...

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