Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 43 ( 12 August )

Day 43 (12 August) Yeppoon – Emu Park - Yeppoon

kms a day: 41.2

total Kms up to a day: 1229.47

total Kms to go: 3,086.53

media: Capricorn Coast Mirror Newspaper

Thank you Sophia for promoting this fund raising journey in the Capricorn Coast Mirror bulletin in Yeppoon

I would be scootering along the cost to EmuPark and back to our base. I need to grant Peter one day off. I do admire him. It must be hard for him to pack and unpack all our stuff every day to pitch his tent , repair the flat tyres etc we move from place to place like nomads...
The day is sunny and it is a bonus ( after yesterday heavy rain) . Peter is in a good mood and so am I.
I enjoy my meditation on this beautiful Yeppoon beach. This place is one of the best we visited so far. I would not mind to live here.

I want to be on the road early today – i have more than 40 kms on my plate – Yeppoon – Emu Park – Yeppoon . I would still stop at the Mirror local newspaper to ask if they interested in the story. Sophia seems to be excited about this journey. I like her immediately. She is my cup of coffee. She seemed to travel herself a lot. Yes, I understand you do it for charity but what is in that trip for you.... for me?? I am getting to know my true self on this journey I challenge myself I simply evolve. I would answer. The picture for the nespaper is taken on the beach for the article and I hop on scooter to go.

So far I experienced only friendliness. I only seem to have a difficulty to become a friend with magpies. They do not like my yellow-green helmet. The road is lined with the trees and there would be one attack after another . I feel like in the Hitchcock movie – one of the magpies follows me for a while The bird circulates above my head. I see the shade behind me that's when I know that it wants to attack . I push my scooter very fast and finally I am safe I am leaving the bird far behind.

I do enjoy today's ride. Who would not? The road is very narrow but the scenery is so exciting. It is a lot of to be seen - one beautiful beach after another. I am crossing the bridge. There is a couple on their bikes. When I am passing the lady she yells to her husband – you told me it was just a kid on this scooter. .....another person who mistaken me for a child.
I am getting closer to a police man. His camera is pointed at me. What a relief. No fine to be issued for me right now.
I am back at our base on time - 40 kms completed for the day. I can enjoy beautiful sunset.

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