Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 18

Day 18 Giru - Bowling Green Bay NP

weight: 63

kms a day: 30.78

total kms up to date: 489.18

total kms to go: 3,826.82

I am waking up in dark with a body ache. Good. It means I am still alive.
No more planning on this trip but new routine is alive. Morning Coffee routine and the time guessing.
The noise from the matches shake gets Peter out of the tent.I want to hop on scooter as soon as I finish my cuppa today.

We park our vehicle about 10 meters from the railway. Peter loves the train and he runs to greet the train every time the train passes by. And it is a few of them a day. They say there is a child in all of us and I can clearly see it.

I am ready to push the scooter. Which one do I choose for the day. The green one is the fancier one better seen on the road. The red one is much older but is also lighter. I go for a red one. Most of the scootering would not be done on a main road today. I want to explore it around Giru town today.

My musclse are still sore. It was not only wind to my disadvantage yesterday. On my 17th kilometre the asphalt road changed to gravel due to resurfacing. The asphalt was not laid yet and I was scootering on those little "pebbles" uphill most of time. I felt I was doing 50 kms instead of 30 yestrday. Enough complaining the show must go on...

A lot of people along my journey making joke about my leg becoming one big muscle when I finish down to Melbourne. It is starting to feel that way. I am not losing weight any more but my body re-shapes. The fat has melted but muscles are developing. Peter as a former cyclist is reassuring me not to worry. If you get a big muscle it will disappear eventually. It is promising and relieved - who wants to look like a man::).

I am heading to the boat ramp passing 3 creeks. Checking on the crocodiles. I stop to take a picture. It would be good to see one ( maybe not) for my camera. In my vision I am preparing for a crocodile attack. I would protect myself with a scooter.. I think. I would push the scooter in a crocodile mouth. I am picturing myself as a hero... I am only brave in my fantasy. There was crocodile warning sign at the ramp... I am quickly turning my scooter rushing backwards as fast as I can... what a "brave hero" I am now...
My story makes Peter laugh. He would tell me his life story to overcome my fear... I can only hope..

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