Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 19

Day 19 - Giru - Ayer and around

weight 63

kms a day: 31.91

total kms up to date: 521.09

total kms to go: 3,794.91

Brrrr. I am having my morning cold shower. You always realize the luxury in our daily life in a minute you lose it.But I appreciate to have a shower at all. Maybe in a a few days I will have a hot one again. At least I feel alive.

I feel like a tribe moving from one place to another never knowing what is waiting ahead, what place we stay. I wonder myself if it is possible to enjoy this experience. I certainly lear a lot.

This morning is quiet. The close by sugar factory is on strike. It change this little village into a very quite place. It feels like back at home when I was a child.

Ready on my scooter. The field of sugar canes are reminder of my childhood again. We played as kids in corn fields a lot. The scenery is similar just much sweeter smell.
Browsing through my mind. Many memories are brought from my childhood up. Good and bad. Stuff I suppresed down so deeply. Now it wants come up.It wants to be unlocked, freed and leave. A picture of my father is with me today. His frustration caused so much unnecessary sufferings for us children. All is forgiven but not forgotten yet. It is time to be free of all of it.

Some of my friends could not understand why instead of having relaxing and good holiday I am putting so much energy in this journey. I know how it feels to be abused. Yes I want to help children. I want to save them. Oh God I hope you lead my steps into the right direction that people understand and joint me on this journey.

I would be thinking of Edwina's words. She is a manager for the Save the Children charity in Townsville. She greeted me when I arrived here.They help families in north Queensland so much. When the family works O.K. - parents understand their role in family the charity steps out. The program for women with a light sentence reconnecting with their children in "prison" ensuring that mother-child connection is not broken sounds right to me ears too.

Good on you Edwina. I do admire you for your work!

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